How to Sedate a Zebra
- 1). Determine the weight of the zebra you plan on sedating. It is important to have this information, since the amount of sedative administered to the zebra must match its body weight. If the zebra is wild, and you are unable to accurately measure its weight, then you should make your most educated attempt at estimating the number.
- 2). Determine the recommended dose for the intramuscular administration of the horse sedative you are using. For instance, if you are using acepromazine maleate, the recommended dose is 2 to 4 milligrams for every 100 lbs. of body weight. Since the average weight of a male zebra is around 700 lbs., you would need to use anywhere from 14 to 28 milligrams of acepromazine maleate to sedate it.
- 3). Fill the injection dart with the appropriate volume of horse sedative, and then load it into a dart gun.
- 4). Stand no closer than 100 feet to the zebra, and then fire the injection dart into its torso. Depending on the sedative you used, the zebra will be sedated in anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes. Rather than losing muscle control instantly, the zebra will likely lay down to a deep sleep.