Find Clickbank Bestsellers
How to find Clickbank bestsellers? Simply discover what everybody else is selling and jump on the bandwagon. Just kidding. This is the worst thing you can do.
What you want to find is a diamond in the rough you can milk for every drop of profit possible. Something that is not hyper-competitive, something that pays well and something that has good demand and is easy to promote. Something that practically sells itself.
First, you need a good Clickbank marketplace search tool. The marketplace itself is okay, but I highly recommend a third-party marketplace analysis tool. You're going to get more sales data and better search parameters.
First, don't touch products that pays you any less than 50% commissions. Use the search tool to search by percentage. Next, don't touch a product that doesn't pay you at least fifteen-twenty bucks per sale, in fact, go for those that pay you fifty dollars plus. Bu t don't get too greedy. It's a fact that online products priced over two-hundred dollars are very hard to sell. I like a total price tag in the seventy-five dollar range paying seventy-five percent to affiliates with product add-ons. By add-ons I mean the vendor offers buyers discounts on other products during the checkout. Your fifty-dollar commission can suddenly grow to over a hundred if buyer goes for the add-ons. You start pulling down a hundred dollar commissions the money adds up very fast. Three sales a day is nine-thousand dollars a month. Try finding a job-job that pays nine-thousand a month. Very hard to do.
So find a product that meets these financial criteria or at least comes close. Second, find a product that has emotional appeal and a good search demand and a medium to low product gravity. Go to the site and read the sale's letter. Does it hook you? Are you ready to fish out your credit card and buy? Good. It will have the same effect on most people. I like to look at products that are brand new or no more than a month or two old. I bookmark all these products and follow them for a couple weeks without doing any promoting. If I see building sales (not huge spikes), I do my keyword research to measure demand and check the search engines for competition. Then I do some simple PPC advertising to check conversion rates. If it's good, I go guns blazing. I pull out all punches and promote the product every which way from Sunday. I ride the wave as long as I can. Eventually the product will be discovered by the masses and sales will slow down, but by then I'm usually on to the next diamond in the rough.
Those are a few of the techniques I use to find Clickbank bestsellers. When you find them, it's like striking gold. It's the most amazing feeling in the world to see commissions add up in your Clickbank stats and even more amazing when the check comes and you drive it to the bank and deposit it. Making money from Clickbank is the single greatest way to make money. Nothing can compare. But you need to find the bestsellers to make it happen.
Find the hottest most profitable Clickbank Products using CBengine-- Find Clickbank Bestsellers. You can get mall scripts, ads and comprehensive analysis on every product available in the marketplace.
What you want to find is a diamond in the rough you can milk for every drop of profit possible. Something that is not hyper-competitive, something that pays well and something that has good demand and is easy to promote. Something that practically sells itself.
First, you need a good Clickbank marketplace search tool. The marketplace itself is okay, but I highly recommend a third-party marketplace analysis tool. You're going to get more sales data and better search parameters.
First, don't touch products that pays you any less than 50% commissions. Use the search tool to search by percentage. Next, don't touch a product that doesn't pay you at least fifteen-twenty bucks per sale, in fact, go for those that pay you fifty dollars plus. Bu t don't get too greedy. It's a fact that online products priced over two-hundred dollars are very hard to sell. I like a total price tag in the seventy-five dollar range paying seventy-five percent to affiliates with product add-ons. By add-ons I mean the vendor offers buyers discounts on other products during the checkout. Your fifty-dollar commission can suddenly grow to over a hundred if buyer goes for the add-ons. You start pulling down a hundred dollar commissions the money adds up very fast. Three sales a day is nine-thousand dollars a month. Try finding a job-job that pays nine-thousand a month. Very hard to do.
So find a product that meets these financial criteria or at least comes close. Second, find a product that has emotional appeal and a good search demand and a medium to low product gravity. Go to the site and read the sale's letter. Does it hook you? Are you ready to fish out your credit card and buy? Good. It will have the same effect on most people. I like to look at products that are brand new or no more than a month or two old. I bookmark all these products and follow them for a couple weeks without doing any promoting. If I see building sales (not huge spikes), I do my keyword research to measure demand and check the search engines for competition. Then I do some simple PPC advertising to check conversion rates. If it's good, I go guns blazing. I pull out all punches and promote the product every which way from Sunday. I ride the wave as long as I can. Eventually the product will be discovered by the masses and sales will slow down, but by then I'm usually on to the next diamond in the rough.
Those are a few of the techniques I use to find Clickbank bestsellers. When you find them, it's like striking gold. It's the most amazing feeling in the world to see commissions add up in your Clickbank stats and even more amazing when the check comes and you drive it to the bank and deposit it. Making money from Clickbank is the single greatest way to make money. Nothing can compare. But you need to find the bestsellers to make it happen.
Find the hottest most profitable Clickbank Products using CBengine-- Find Clickbank Bestsellers. You can get mall scripts, ads and comprehensive analysis on every product available in the marketplace.