10 Anti-Aging Foods to Look Young Naturally
"Age is but a number and young is an attitude...
" You must have heard this phrase many times.
But no matter how hard you put on that young attitude, you still get scared of the idea of looking older than your age.
It's true, time won't stop for nobody and it seems to go faster for some.
In times like this, you don't need to blow a big amount of cash to go for anti aging surgery.
Instead, you just need to go back to the basic, starting with what you eat.
Below are some examples...
10 Anti-Aging Foods to Look Young Naturally: •Avocado - this is one of the best anti aging foods.
This fruit is rich in Vitamin E which is essential maintaining a healthy skin.
It also has oleic acid which is good in minimizing the levels of the body's bad cholesterol.
•Salmon - wild salmon has omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants which are good anti-inflammatory properties.
Inflammation is a factor in aging and related diseases.
•Green Tea - this has long been used in Asian countries, and drinking green tea in moderation is good since it has active ingredients in skin care.
Clinical studies showed that green tea prevents heart disease, dementia, cancer and helps in weight loss.
•Wine - red wine has resveratrol which is a strong anti aging effects.
Studies show that drinking a glass of wine a day for women and two for men can be good for the skin.
•Watermelon - this fruit has anti-inflammatory effects that relax blood vessels.
It also has lycopene which eliminates free radicals and toxins from the body.
•Nuts - it contains protein, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and a lot more vitamins and minerals, which help improve digestion, reduce cholesterol level and prevent cancer.
•Spinach - this anti aging food is full of lutein which is an antioxidant that keeps the skin healthy.
Spinach fights off bone diseases, as well as cognitive behavioral deficits.
•Garlic - this has cardio protective effects in the body.
It reduces cholesterol levels and risk in heart disease.
Garlic can also be taken as supplements in odorless pill form.
•Soya - this anti aging food can increase bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.
These effects are mainly because of soy's protein content.
•Broccoli - this humble vegetable is a good source of sulforaphane which prevents free radicals from the body that ages you over time.
This chemical activates the body's antioxidant and help control cell decline.
There are number of other anti aging foods aside from the ones mentioned above, but it is important to know which ones are right for you.
In case you have allergic reactions to any of these foods, no matter how health-packed they are, it is still wise to avoid them.
And make sure to consult health experts for any special advice.
" You must have heard this phrase many times.
But no matter how hard you put on that young attitude, you still get scared of the idea of looking older than your age.
It's true, time won't stop for nobody and it seems to go faster for some.
In times like this, you don't need to blow a big amount of cash to go for anti aging surgery.
Instead, you just need to go back to the basic, starting with what you eat.
Below are some examples...
10 Anti-Aging Foods to Look Young Naturally: •Avocado - this is one of the best anti aging foods.
This fruit is rich in Vitamin E which is essential maintaining a healthy skin.
It also has oleic acid which is good in minimizing the levels of the body's bad cholesterol.
•Salmon - wild salmon has omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants which are good anti-inflammatory properties.
Inflammation is a factor in aging and related diseases.
•Green Tea - this has long been used in Asian countries, and drinking green tea in moderation is good since it has active ingredients in skin care.
Clinical studies showed that green tea prevents heart disease, dementia, cancer and helps in weight loss.
•Wine - red wine has resveratrol which is a strong anti aging effects.
Studies show that drinking a glass of wine a day for women and two for men can be good for the skin.
•Watermelon - this fruit has anti-inflammatory effects that relax blood vessels.
It also has lycopene which eliminates free radicals and toxins from the body.
•Nuts - it contains protein, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and a lot more vitamins and minerals, which help improve digestion, reduce cholesterol level and prevent cancer.
•Spinach - this anti aging food is full of lutein which is an antioxidant that keeps the skin healthy.
Spinach fights off bone diseases, as well as cognitive behavioral deficits.
•Garlic - this has cardio protective effects in the body.
It reduces cholesterol levels and risk in heart disease.
Garlic can also be taken as supplements in odorless pill form.
•Soya - this anti aging food can increase bone density, reduce the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease.
These effects are mainly because of soy's protein content.
•Broccoli - this humble vegetable is a good source of sulforaphane which prevents free radicals from the body that ages you over time.
This chemical activates the body's antioxidant and help control cell decline.
There are number of other anti aging foods aside from the ones mentioned above, but it is important to know which ones are right for you.
In case you have allergic reactions to any of these foods, no matter how health-packed they are, it is still wise to avoid them.
And make sure to consult health experts for any special advice.