Choosing Your Programmable Biometric ID Cards
Blank biometric ID cards can be programmed to store data such as the physiological and behavioral characteristics of a person to identify him as the true and only owner of that particular ID card.
The stored data may include fingerprints, palm print, hand geometry, iris, voice, facial patterns, DNA, body movement including gait and even bodily scent.
The technology is affordable and even small and medium-sized companies can avail of it.
Other than the unique personal data stored in the card, there are several other security features such as holographic security image, magnetic stripes, radio frequency chips, barcodes and more.
The unique features of the biometric PVC ID cards make them non-transferable and non-forgeable.
Magnetic strip cards are classified as contact cards as they must be swiped or inserted into a reader in order to function.
While RFID cards are called contactless as the data they contain can be read from a short distance.
A smart card is one type of biometric card that contains a micro-processor or chip with internal memory.
The data that these smart cards store are machine readable.
These badge cards are available in various colors and forms.
They can store large amounts of data, carry out their own encryption or digital signatures and connect this information to a remote, contactless system like an electromagnetic card reader.
Biometric ID cards are the best choice for offices that need a greater level of security such as government and military sectors, patent offices, research institutions, universities, schools, and private companies that require additional functionality or security from PVC ID cards.
Card manufacturers use recycled PVC or corn-based cards in making these cards.
There are also rewritable cards.
Standard plastic cards could easily ruin your printhead which is the most expensive part of your ID Card printer.
So choose the "image quality" programmable card.
You can buy them in white or in different colors and thickness.
The thickness or gauge of a PVC card is measured in mils.
A mil is equivalent to a thousandth or an inch.
The standard thickness for employee ID card and security credentials is 20mils.
30mils cards are ideal for long-term use.
Here are a few questions to ask when choosing your biometric programmable ID card are: How long does your ID Card need to last? Will you be using protective badge holders or plastic case protectors? Who will use the card? What is the climate where the card will be used? (PVC can crack in very cold climates) Which of these thicknesses do you prefer - 10mil, 20mil, or 30mil?
The stored data may include fingerprints, palm print, hand geometry, iris, voice, facial patterns, DNA, body movement including gait and even bodily scent.
The technology is affordable and even small and medium-sized companies can avail of it.
Other than the unique personal data stored in the card, there are several other security features such as holographic security image, magnetic stripes, radio frequency chips, barcodes and more.
The unique features of the biometric PVC ID cards make them non-transferable and non-forgeable.
Magnetic strip cards are classified as contact cards as they must be swiped or inserted into a reader in order to function.
While RFID cards are called contactless as the data they contain can be read from a short distance.
A smart card is one type of biometric card that contains a micro-processor or chip with internal memory.
The data that these smart cards store are machine readable.
These badge cards are available in various colors and forms.
They can store large amounts of data, carry out their own encryption or digital signatures and connect this information to a remote, contactless system like an electromagnetic card reader.
Biometric ID cards are the best choice for offices that need a greater level of security such as government and military sectors, patent offices, research institutions, universities, schools, and private companies that require additional functionality or security from PVC ID cards.
Card manufacturers use recycled PVC or corn-based cards in making these cards.
There are also rewritable cards.
Standard plastic cards could easily ruin your printhead which is the most expensive part of your ID Card printer.
So choose the "image quality" programmable card.
You can buy them in white or in different colors and thickness.
The thickness or gauge of a PVC card is measured in mils.
A mil is equivalent to a thousandth or an inch.
The standard thickness for employee ID card and security credentials is 20mils.
30mils cards are ideal for long-term use.
Here are a few questions to ask when choosing your biometric programmable ID card are: How long does your ID Card need to last? Will you be using protective badge holders or plastic case protectors? Who will use the card? What is the climate where the card will be used? (PVC can crack in very cold climates) Which of these thicknesses do you prefer - 10mil, 20mil, or 30mil?