How To Make Over $40,000 With $7 Reports
Would you believe that it could be possible to make over $40,000 in just few months, by selling a $7 Reports based product? No, I don't think that I would have believed it either, but that is exactly what has happened to the guy behind the tidal wave of $7 Reports that have swamped the world of online business since the beginning of this year! And, do you know what? I think I know one of the reasons behind the runaway $7 Reports success story, and I would like to share that story with you now, as I believe that it contains a very valuable lesson for all of us.
I, like many people making money from an online business, am on many, many mailing lists.
Some are good, some are average and some are, quite frankly, just about unreadable! The guy behind the $7 Reports idea, Jonathan Leger, is someone whose list I have been on for some time.
Thus, I am able to tell a real life story about him, and the way that he runs his business that will, I hope, go some way to explaining his recent runaway success with the $7 Reports project, and perhaps provide an object lesson for the rest of us at the same time.
Back some time in the middle of last year, Jonathan had a product on the market that I thought fitted in well with what I was doing at the time, so I decided to invest my own hard earned money in it.
I did so, and tried it out for a few weeks.
During that 'trial' period, I decided that the product, whilst it was very good indeed, just did not do what I wanted it to do for me.
Nothing wrong with the product at all per se, just that it did not fulfill my own personal, individual requirements.
Thus, I wrote to Jonathan, explained the situation, and politely asked for a refund.
He replied equally politely, and complied with my request.
No hard feelings on either side of the transaction, in other words.
Fast forward over the course of the next few months.
I continued to receive his extremely informative newsletter and picked up many valuable hints and tips along the way.
In other words, without being too OTT with my praise, Jonathan did just about everything right! He refunded me when I asked, promptly and politely.
He kept sending me valuable newsletters even though he had probably lost money on me thus far! In other words, 'Mr.
$7 Reports' was, and is, acting as a model professional in a business that is probably not best known for it's professionalism! So, when I first heard of the $7 Reports concept from the regular newsletters back in January of this year, I was immediately receptive to the message.
It sounded like a great idea, a brilliant concept, even though I am not sure that I fully understood it at the time! Thus, I invested in Jonathans' original $7 Report, and have bought quite a few other $7 Reports since, the vast majority of which I have also found to be extremely useful (and, of course, great value at only $7 a pop!) So, how do you turn a business based on writing simple $7 Report into one showing a profit of over $40,000 in six months or less? Simple! Come up with a terrific new business idea or concept, the next $7 Reports, have a mailing list that is responsive to your mails because you always provide them with great value, and back the whole thing up with totally professional 'back room' service.
Easier said than done, of course..
Now, back to developing the EUR4.
32 Reports series..
I, like many people making money from an online business, am on many, many mailing lists.
Some are good, some are average and some are, quite frankly, just about unreadable! The guy behind the $7 Reports idea, Jonathan Leger, is someone whose list I have been on for some time.
Thus, I am able to tell a real life story about him, and the way that he runs his business that will, I hope, go some way to explaining his recent runaway success with the $7 Reports project, and perhaps provide an object lesson for the rest of us at the same time.
Back some time in the middle of last year, Jonathan had a product on the market that I thought fitted in well with what I was doing at the time, so I decided to invest my own hard earned money in it.
I did so, and tried it out for a few weeks.
During that 'trial' period, I decided that the product, whilst it was very good indeed, just did not do what I wanted it to do for me.
Nothing wrong with the product at all per se, just that it did not fulfill my own personal, individual requirements.
Thus, I wrote to Jonathan, explained the situation, and politely asked for a refund.
He replied equally politely, and complied with my request.
No hard feelings on either side of the transaction, in other words.
Fast forward over the course of the next few months.
I continued to receive his extremely informative newsletter and picked up many valuable hints and tips along the way.
In other words, without being too OTT with my praise, Jonathan did just about everything right! He refunded me when I asked, promptly and politely.
He kept sending me valuable newsletters even though he had probably lost money on me thus far! In other words, 'Mr.
$7 Reports' was, and is, acting as a model professional in a business that is probably not best known for it's professionalism! So, when I first heard of the $7 Reports concept from the regular newsletters back in January of this year, I was immediately receptive to the message.
It sounded like a great idea, a brilliant concept, even though I am not sure that I fully understood it at the time! Thus, I invested in Jonathans' original $7 Report, and have bought quite a few other $7 Reports since, the vast majority of which I have also found to be extremely useful (and, of course, great value at only $7 a pop!) So, how do you turn a business based on writing simple $7 Report into one showing a profit of over $40,000 in six months or less? Simple! Come up with a terrific new business idea or concept, the next $7 Reports, have a mailing list that is responsive to your mails because you always provide them with great value, and back the whole thing up with totally professional 'back room' service.
Easier said than done, of course..
Now, back to developing the EUR4.
32 Reports series..