Can Medication Be Replaced by Natural Remedies For Panic Attacks?
Panic attack has ruined thousands of lives and continues to claim more every year.
It is not fatal in itself, but the consequences of each attack may cost a life if not handled properly.
Some people are afraid to even come out to the public with the thought of embarrassment due to their uncontrollable reactions during attacks.
But for those who wish to have their normal life back, a remedy is the answer in the form of medications.
However, such medications may have side effects like on neurological aspect.
To prevent such thing, many people with panic disorders opt for natural ways as remedies.
Although these may not be as effective as the prescription drugs, they will certainly appease you.
Cold compress can help your blood slow down and calm you in the process.
Paper bag is probably the most famous remedy but it is under extreme scrutiny by medical practitioners.
The fear is that suffocation may take place since you are just inhaling carbon dioxide that you just took out.
By breathing in and out of the paper bag, it is said that the lungs and muscle relaxes as well.
Some psychologists claim that the relaxing effect comes not from breathing in the paper bag but from the rhythmic method it is done.
The same benefit can be achieved accordingly by rhythmic breathing without a paper bag.
Orange peel and aroma oils also claim soothing effects to help panic attack stabilize.
However, these claims are not scientifically proven to really help with the problem.
Ways on how to overcome panic attacks without medication may not be effective, depending on the level of attack you have.
It is always safer to consult a doctor first as there are cases where medication is the only possible solution left.
It is not fatal in itself, but the consequences of each attack may cost a life if not handled properly.
Some people are afraid to even come out to the public with the thought of embarrassment due to their uncontrollable reactions during attacks.
But for those who wish to have their normal life back, a remedy is the answer in the form of medications.
However, such medications may have side effects like on neurological aspect.
To prevent such thing, many people with panic disorders opt for natural ways as remedies.
Although these may not be as effective as the prescription drugs, they will certainly appease you.
Cold compress can help your blood slow down and calm you in the process.
Paper bag is probably the most famous remedy but it is under extreme scrutiny by medical practitioners.
The fear is that suffocation may take place since you are just inhaling carbon dioxide that you just took out.
By breathing in and out of the paper bag, it is said that the lungs and muscle relaxes as well.
Some psychologists claim that the relaxing effect comes not from breathing in the paper bag but from the rhythmic method it is done.
The same benefit can be achieved accordingly by rhythmic breathing without a paper bag.
Orange peel and aroma oils also claim soothing effects to help panic attack stabilize.
However, these claims are not scientifically proven to really help with the problem.
Ways on how to overcome panic attacks without medication may not be effective, depending on the level of attack you have.
It is always safer to consult a doctor first as there are cases where medication is the only possible solution left.