How to Restore an SQL Dump File
- 1). Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Click "SQL Server" and then click "SQL Server Management Studio." The Management Studio software is included with SQL Server as a way to manage your database.
- 2). Right-click the server name on the left side of Management Studio. Select "Tasks" and then click "Restore Database." This opens the wizard. The wizard provides several defaults, which are sufficient for a quick restoration of your file.
- 3). Enter a name for the restored SQL dump file. This can be any new name, but you typically use the same name as the database dump file to avoid confusion.
- 4). Click the "Add" button in the "From Device" section. Double-click the SQL dump file, which has the .BAK file extension. You can restore your file from a CD, DVD, external hard drive, network drive or the local hard drive.
- 5). Click the "Restore" button. The wizard retrieves the dump file and copies the database to your local hard drive and database engine. This can take several minutes to complete.