Home Based Business And The Law of Attraction
Unless you don't own a television or don't read at all you have most assuredly heard of The Secret and The Law Of Attraction.
For some time it has enjoyed a sort of cult following in the self help sector.
Recently it has acquired world wide fame and become a common household phrase. People like Oprah and Larry King have discussed it in length and the concept has even come up in some prime time television series' like Boston Legal.
Simply stated, The Law Of Attraction says, "Like attracts like".
That means if you can think of it you can also achieve it. There is clear proof in our greatest inventions or theories regarding this.
Once upon a time there was no such thing as cars or airplanes. Someone had to say something like... there has to be a faster way to get from here to there so how do I do it... and then it happened.
They got their answer and low and behold the car and later the air plane was born. Notice that both were born out of questions. Better questions than the ones that came before.
How does this apply to business? Simple. If "like attract like" and believing means achieving then these principles are a perfect fit for the business arena.
It has been part of the Small and Home Based Business culture for some time. Those who succeed have perseverance and that usually comes from a strong desire to succeed and that is driven by the belief that one can.
Let me ask you this...
*Should you have control over the money you make?
*Should you have control over your schedule?
*Should you be able to work when you want to?
*Would you benefit from a mentor?
If your business goals are to be successful and self reliant with the ability to control your own destiny then you would have to answer yes to all of these questions. By saying yes to them you are saying yes to your right to have both more money and time in your life.
If you don't currently enjoy either one of those luxuries, you need to ask better questions. Often by asking the right questions over and over again you will come to the right answer for you.
Anthony Robbins says that if you don't like the answers your getting "ask a better question". He's right. The better the question you ask, the better the answer will be.
By asking better questions you are allowing The Law Of Attraction to work in your life.
You are coaching your mind to focus on what is working or what could work.
By asking better questions your focus will shift to what is possible rather than what isn't working. If what you think about expands then finding easy ways to direct your thoughts is key.
Asking better questions does just that. If you are getting negative feelings when you think about work or starting a business or anything for that matter - change the question that is running around in your head.
For example
If your saying things like this to yourself... "This will never work. It didn't work for cousin Harry so why would it work for me?"
Try saying things like this instead... "How can this work for me. What can I do differently that others before me have failed to try?"
This may seem a little strange at first but I assure you that if you compare the feelings that you get from both questions in your head the 2nd one is much, much better.
When you feel better things will go better. Remember, "like attracts like." That said why wouldn't you want to feel good?!
Bringing this full circle and using these principles of "like attracts like" while keeping in mind that what you think about expands you should first get clear about what you want in a business.
When you are looking for a home business, think about characteristics of it, who you want to work with etc. Looking with purpose will help steer you in the direction you want to go rather than the way of hype and get-rich-quick-schemes.
Some solid steps to take in asking better questions to employ The Law Of Attraction are as follows...
*Look for what will work, don't try to avoid what won't
*Write down what you want your business to be, do and have.
*Paint a picture with words so you can get it in your head.
By gaining clarity on what you are looking for you will surely find it. You won't be able to help it. It will come knocking on your door, just like you envisioned.
For some time it has enjoyed a sort of cult following in the self help sector.
Recently it has acquired world wide fame and become a common household phrase. People like Oprah and Larry King have discussed it in length and the concept has even come up in some prime time television series' like Boston Legal.
Simply stated, The Law Of Attraction says, "Like attracts like".
That means if you can think of it you can also achieve it. There is clear proof in our greatest inventions or theories regarding this.
Once upon a time there was no such thing as cars or airplanes. Someone had to say something like... there has to be a faster way to get from here to there so how do I do it... and then it happened.
They got their answer and low and behold the car and later the air plane was born. Notice that both were born out of questions. Better questions than the ones that came before.
How does this apply to business? Simple. If "like attract like" and believing means achieving then these principles are a perfect fit for the business arena.
It has been part of the Small and Home Based Business culture for some time. Those who succeed have perseverance and that usually comes from a strong desire to succeed and that is driven by the belief that one can.
Let me ask you this...
*Should you have control over the money you make?
*Should you have control over your schedule?
*Should you be able to work when you want to?
*Would you benefit from a mentor?
If your business goals are to be successful and self reliant with the ability to control your own destiny then you would have to answer yes to all of these questions. By saying yes to them you are saying yes to your right to have both more money and time in your life.
If you don't currently enjoy either one of those luxuries, you need to ask better questions. Often by asking the right questions over and over again you will come to the right answer for you.
Anthony Robbins says that if you don't like the answers your getting "ask a better question". He's right. The better the question you ask, the better the answer will be.
By asking better questions you are allowing The Law Of Attraction to work in your life.
You are coaching your mind to focus on what is working or what could work.
By asking better questions your focus will shift to what is possible rather than what isn't working. If what you think about expands then finding easy ways to direct your thoughts is key.
Asking better questions does just that. If you are getting negative feelings when you think about work or starting a business or anything for that matter - change the question that is running around in your head.
For example
If your saying things like this to yourself... "This will never work. It didn't work for cousin Harry so why would it work for me?"
Try saying things like this instead... "How can this work for me. What can I do differently that others before me have failed to try?"
This may seem a little strange at first but I assure you that if you compare the feelings that you get from both questions in your head the 2nd one is much, much better.
When you feel better things will go better. Remember, "like attracts like." That said why wouldn't you want to feel good?!
Bringing this full circle and using these principles of "like attracts like" while keeping in mind that what you think about expands you should first get clear about what you want in a business.
When you are looking for a home business, think about characteristics of it, who you want to work with etc. Looking with purpose will help steer you in the direction you want to go rather than the way of hype and get-rich-quick-schemes.
Some solid steps to take in asking better questions to employ The Law Of Attraction are as follows...
*Look for what will work, don't try to avoid what won't
*Write down what you want your business to be, do and have.
*Paint a picture with words so you can get it in your head.
By gaining clarity on what you are looking for you will surely find it. You won't be able to help it. It will come knocking on your door, just like you envisioned.