Define Agave
- Agave is any plant of the genus agave, of the family Agavaceae. This is a group of succulent plants related to the lilly, but resembling a cactus or aloe in appearance.
- There are numerous species and cultivars of agave. One of them, Agave tequilana, or Blue agave, is the plant whose sap is distilled in the production of tequila.
- The sap of the agave is also boiled and concentrated into a sweet syrup. This so-called nectar is sold in stores as an alternative sweetener.
- The agave plant produces edible flowers on a long, tall central stalk. The plant only flowers once in its life cycle.
- Some types of agave are used for the long fibers in their leaves. Sisal is both the name of the species and for the material made from these fibers.