Heart Disease Prevention Tips
Women are less likely to survive heart attacks compared to men. People think that breast cancer is something killing women but heart disease comes a lot before that. So this is why both men and women are at high stakes when it comes to heart diseases and in order to avoid such situations, one should do all what it takes to prevent heart problems. The number one key to heart disease prevention is adopting better living habits. Simple changes like eating better, getting more exercise, and being more health conscious in general have shown that they can drastically reduce your chances of acquiring heart disease.
You have no doubt heard that you should maintain a healthy weight as a matter of heart disease prevention. Excess weight causes the heart to work harder, putting stress on this vital muscle. It is important to learn what a healthy weight is, given your height, age, and gender. Then take steps to reach and maintain that weight. You also need to follow another important tip as far as this disease prevention goes and that is work on your health and this in turn means exercising which is the best way of preventing this disease. To be sure, it does not even mean having to go to a gym to workout or do strenuous aerobic exercises; rather, you can exercise in your home, at work, at school or just about anywhere else where you can walk or run.
If you are a smoker, you have heard the message to quit smoking a thousand times in a thousand different ways. Maybe it is time to start listening to the message. The pain, loss of life, and financial burden caused by a heart attack or other major heart-related medical episode are very great for almost everyone who experiences them. By quitting smoking, you will be greatly reducing your chances of contracting heart disease. Exercise with a healthy diet will definitely prevent the onset of heart disease. Research has done much to prove that exercise in the right amounts goes a long way to promote healthy cardiovascular systems that in turn transform the human body into perfect disease fighting machines.
Aren't these some pretty disturbing facts? When we first heard those facts, we started looking for ways to prevent this problem. Many do not start asking this question until they are dealing with the symptoms, which include shortness of breath, faster than normal heartbeat, nausea, weakness, dizziness and heart palpitations. Regular exercise is essential for a healthy heart. Because it's a muscle, it gets stronger with regular exercise like any other muscle in your body. To get the most benefit, you need aerobic exercise (brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
You have no doubt heard that you should maintain a healthy weight as a matter of heart disease prevention. Excess weight causes the heart to work harder, putting stress on this vital muscle. It is important to learn what a healthy weight is, given your height, age, and gender. Then take steps to reach and maintain that weight. You also need to follow another important tip as far as this disease prevention goes and that is work on your health and this in turn means exercising which is the best way of preventing this disease. To be sure, it does not even mean having to go to a gym to workout or do strenuous aerobic exercises; rather, you can exercise in your home, at work, at school or just about anywhere else where you can walk or run.
If you are a smoker, you have heard the message to quit smoking a thousand times in a thousand different ways. Maybe it is time to start listening to the message. The pain, loss of life, and financial burden caused by a heart attack or other major heart-related medical episode are very great for almost everyone who experiences them. By quitting smoking, you will be greatly reducing your chances of contracting heart disease. Exercise with a healthy diet will definitely prevent the onset of heart disease. Research has done much to prove that exercise in the right amounts goes a long way to promote healthy cardiovascular systems that in turn transform the human body into perfect disease fighting machines.
Aren't these some pretty disturbing facts? When we first heard those facts, we started looking for ways to prevent this problem. Many do not start asking this question until they are dealing with the symptoms, which include shortness of breath, faster than normal heartbeat, nausea, weakness, dizziness and heart palpitations. Regular exercise is essential for a healthy heart. Because it's a muscle, it gets stronger with regular exercise like any other muscle in your body. To get the most benefit, you need aerobic exercise (brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) at least three times a week for 30 minutes.