Meaning of the Colors in the American Flag
- The color red in the American seal and transferred to the American flag stands for valor and hardiness.
- The color white in the American seal and transferred to the American flag stands for purity
- The color blue in the American seal and transferred to the American flag is the color of the Chief and stands for perseverance, justice and vigilance.
- The gold fringe on the American flag is used only on indoor flags and is neither approved nor disapproved by any act of Congress or executive order. It is generally used on military and ceremonial flags. It has no specific meaning and is just to dress up the flag.
- The American service flag is a special banner hung by military service members' families when our country is in war or there is hostile conflict. It's a white flag with a red border which frames a single blue star. The star represents the service man or woman. When a gold star is placed over the blue star it means that the service person has died. The blue star on this flag represents pride and home while the gold star represents sacrifice for freedom and liberty.
Gold Fringe
American Service Flag