How to Tell if Your Husband is Cheating on You
How to Tell if Your Husband is Cheating on You
Your husband comes home late, with whiskey on his breath and lipstick on his collar. He says he went out with the boys, but that perfume on his shirt says otherwise.
The signs of a cheating husband are usually never this clear-cut. Most cheating husbands will try their best to cover their tracks, and they would never think of coming home with lipstick stains! You will have to dig deeper to tell if your husband is cheating on you.
Pay attention to where he goes €" or where he says he goes €" and keep a record of it. Keep a dedicated journal in which you record everything that looks or seems odd.
Does he say he ate lunch at his desk all week? Write it down so you have the record of it. A few days later, ask him if he has tried that new Chinese place in town. If he has€¦when? You might have just caught him in a lie about where he ate his lunch.
And if he's lying to you about WHERE, he is probably lying to you about WHY€¦or about WHO.
Pay attention to his behavior on the phone. Does he tell someone he will call them back, and thirty minutes later, he suddenly has to make a run to the office? Does he talk in hushed tones and end his conversation quickly when you come into the room? Does he abruptly change the subject of his phone conversation when you appear?
Take note of these signs. Then, get your hands on his cell phone record. Itemized calls are a cheater's worst nightmare! Look up the dates and times of the phone calls you found suspicious. Does the number appear over and over? Does he call them just as often as they call him?
Keep that number in mind. Watch what happens. Keep logs of the calls and when it's time to confront him, you will have a mountain of evidence.
Keep your eyes open to everything your husband does. Does he go out with the boys and stay out too late, or forget the name of the bar they visited? Does he suddenly work overtime but doesn't show you any differences in his paychecks? Do his friends avoid you? Do his coworkers give you sympathetic looks?
Does he avoid time with you, and especially time with the kids? A guilty man will do everything he can to lessen that burden!
Once someone begins cheating, the signs are everywhere. Keep note of all of them. What other signs do you see in your unfaithful husband?
Your husband comes home late, with whiskey on his breath and lipstick on his collar. He says he went out with the boys, but that perfume on his shirt says otherwise.
The signs of a cheating husband are usually never this clear-cut. Most cheating husbands will try their best to cover their tracks, and they would never think of coming home with lipstick stains! You will have to dig deeper to tell if your husband is cheating on you.
Pay attention to where he goes €" or where he says he goes €" and keep a record of it. Keep a dedicated journal in which you record everything that looks or seems odd.
Does he say he ate lunch at his desk all week? Write it down so you have the record of it. A few days later, ask him if he has tried that new Chinese place in town. If he has€¦when? You might have just caught him in a lie about where he ate his lunch.
And if he's lying to you about WHERE, he is probably lying to you about WHY€¦or about WHO.
Pay attention to his behavior on the phone. Does he tell someone he will call them back, and thirty minutes later, he suddenly has to make a run to the office? Does he talk in hushed tones and end his conversation quickly when you come into the room? Does he abruptly change the subject of his phone conversation when you appear?
Take note of these signs. Then, get your hands on his cell phone record. Itemized calls are a cheater's worst nightmare! Look up the dates and times of the phone calls you found suspicious. Does the number appear over and over? Does he call them just as often as they call him?
Keep that number in mind. Watch what happens. Keep logs of the calls and when it's time to confront him, you will have a mountain of evidence.
Keep your eyes open to everything your husband does. Does he go out with the boys and stay out too late, or forget the name of the bar they visited? Does he suddenly work overtime but doesn't show you any differences in his paychecks? Do his friends avoid you? Do his coworkers give you sympathetic looks?
Does he avoid time with you, and especially time with the kids? A guilty man will do everything he can to lessen that burden!
Once someone begins cheating, the signs are everywhere. Keep note of all of them. What other signs do you see in your unfaithful husband?