12 Steps To Get Traditionally Published
Every new author desires having their manuscript bought by a publishing house, however many writers do not have a clue how to accomplish this.
They literally have no more idea other than to find and agent and hope for the best.
Let me let instead share with you exactly how you can get your book traditionally published.
I know this system works and can confidently share it with you.
So lets get started;
They literally have no more idea other than to find and agent and hope for the best.
Let me let instead share with you exactly how you can get your book traditionally published.
I know this system works and can confidently share it with you.
So lets get started;
- First you will need to have a great idea, do your homework, study your niche and your ideal publishing houses product line within your niche.
- Next you will need to build a following long before you pitch your novel to an agent, build your Facebook friends, twitter twits, and put up a blog ASAP.
- Next be prepared to do some traveling - this is a must, you will actually have to go and meet agents.
- This is followed by having to have a large degree of hustle - don't wait for anyone to do anything for you take some initiative and responsibility for your outcome.
- Create a few sample chapters to hand out and mail.
- Have a designer create a call sheet, a one page graphic for your book.
- Create a report that discusses exactly how big your following is and how long you have been building it.
- Collect a list of nation wide events where you can get to meet agents, they are held around the world but just focus on the US.
- Create an excellent verbal pitch and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE it until you have it mastered.
- Go to these events and begin to meet with agents who may be interested in your newest writings.
- This may take you some time maybe even 1 - 2 years but it is the process due to the large volume of competition.
- Continue to build your platform, add Facebook friends, and give tele-seminars, partner with organizations and continue to stay in touch with your ever growing media contacts.