How to Install Super NES Games on the iPhone
- 1). Open the Installer application on your iPhone. If the Installer application ( is not already on the iPhone, it will need to be downloaded on a computer and then transferred to the iPhone using the connection cable.
- 2). Use the application to install the following applications on the iPhone.
BSD Subsystem
Mobile Finder - 3). Go the "Community Resources" package in the Installer tab. When the package installation is complete, go to the "Games category" and find the NES package. Click on it to install it.
Click on the "Home" button to exit the installer. - 4). Download CyberDuck FTP from the Cyberduck website.
- 5). Get the IP address of the iPhone by going to "Settings then to "Wi-Fi."
Click on the blue arrow near the wireless access point to reveal the IP address. - 6). Connect the iPhone to the computer using the connection cable.
Open CyberDuck and go to "Open connection" and enter the IP address for the iPhone in the IP field.
Select SFTP from the protocol drop-down menu and enter the details below for username and password.
Username: root
Password: dottie
The username "root" and password "dottie" are common log ins that will work for all iPhones.
Press "connect" to connect the computer to the iPhone. - 7). Navigate through the "Connections" list to find the directory titled /var/root/Media.
Use CyberDuck to make new folders and create the chain /var/root/Media/ROM/NES.
From there, just drag and drop NES files into the NES folder.
Disconnect the cable and restart the iPhone.
These steps can be viewed in detail at the Gizmodo mode listed in the references section below.
How to Install the NES emulator on the iPhone