Why You Should NEVER Tell Him How You Feel
Feelings are foreign for men.
Well, almost.
Men feel but they have a way to communicate the way they feel by what they do.
If you've been dating a man and you're beginning to have very strong feelings for him, it is tempting to spill your guts because the attraction and connection you have with him is amazing.
But this is where you'll send him running for the hills.
Don't start talking "feelings" with your man.
Forget it.
Don't even go there.
Play like a hot and cool chick.
The drama-ramas go off with men and start to spill their guts.
Especially if the man's pulling away, they start to rant and have the talk and try to convince him how much he means to them and they bark up the wrong tree and send the man running because he feels hijacked into having to deal with an emotional drama queen.
Yes, most men feel hijacked when they have to deal with how a woman feels.
They equate talking about feelings to something being wrong and God knows a man does not want to feel responsible for not making a woman happy.
Men live to please women.
The main goal of a man is to make a woman happy.
If you start to go off about how you're feeling even if its about really being into him, he'll think you're trying to convince him to like and want you more and you should know by now that a man cannot be CONVINCED into a commitment, he has to fall into it.
Learn how to cause a man to feel such intense attraction for you that you don't even have to lift a finger when it comes to having him beg you for a commitment.
Well, almost.
Men feel but they have a way to communicate the way they feel by what they do.
If you've been dating a man and you're beginning to have very strong feelings for him, it is tempting to spill your guts because the attraction and connection you have with him is amazing.
But this is where you'll send him running for the hills.
Don't start talking "feelings" with your man.
Forget it.
Don't even go there.
Play like a hot and cool chick.
The drama-ramas go off with men and start to spill their guts.
Especially if the man's pulling away, they start to rant and have the talk and try to convince him how much he means to them and they bark up the wrong tree and send the man running because he feels hijacked into having to deal with an emotional drama queen.
Yes, most men feel hijacked when they have to deal with how a woman feels.
They equate talking about feelings to something being wrong and God knows a man does not want to feel responsible for not making a woman happy.
Men live to please women.
The main goal of a man is to make a woman happy.
If you start to go off about how you're feeling even if its about really being into him, he'll think you're trying to convince him to like and want you more and you should know by now that a man cannot be CONVINCED into a commitment, he has to fall into it.
Learn how to cause a man to feel such intense attraction for you that you don't even have to lift a finger when it comes to having him beg you for a commitment.