Why Laptop Safes? Spotlight: College Life
Why Laptop Safes? Spotlight: College Life
The biggest problem on college campuses, according to majority rule at the U.S. Dept. of Education's site (http://www.ope.ed.gov/Security/GetOneInstitutionData.aspx), is burglary. Roughly 40,000 property crimes each year happen on college or university campuses. Thefts occur in dormitories and academic buildings. Students often make a snack run, or something of the sort, and will trustingly dash out of their room, leaving their doors unlocked or their valuables left unguarded. Without a thought to the security breach, they up and run out on their errand. When many return, they find their belongings such as their iPhone, iPod or laptop, have been stolen.
Statistical data show that rooms are broken into very rarely. This is because of the nature of the crime: burglary is usually opportunistic. It is also an earmark of college life, as college-aged students have just barely transitioned out of high school in most cases. As such, the student body is very social and friendly, for the most part. Life between the crushing pressures of academic pursuits and remaining socially accepted is essentially spent on the assumption that everyone is on the same page, running for the same goals, and who on Earth would want to steal my laptop? So goes the thought, but the point is that theft occurs when no security measures are taken, and usually security is the last thing on these busy students' minds.
It's a sad introduction into the real world when a well-intentioned social butterfly or absent-minded student fails to leave their dorm room locked, or their belongings stashed away in a safe. The trouble is, most college campuses don't have a secure place for every student to lock his or her belongings in. Furthermore, with the transient lifestyle of a 4-year student, there is no practical way to lug a 1,200 pound, fireproof safe from room to room...Hence, hardly anyone will actually have a safe to secure their belongings in.
Solution: Get a laptop safe for your college-bound student. There are a number of safe manufacturers on the market today, here are a few that make excellent varieties of the laptop or personal safe:
Sentry Safe
Mesa Safe Co.
ADG Sports
The "laptop safe" can also be listed as a "microwave safe," both are a small, personal safe. The microwave safe is so named because of the appearance: it looks like a microwave, only smaller. "Pistol safes" will also be a good fit for this category, it all depends on the size of your valuables, and the interior room available in the safe. When looking for a laptop safe, keep these other search terms in mind.
The biggest problem on college campuses, according to majority rule at the U.S. Dept. of Education's site (http://www.ope.ed.gov/Security/GetOneInstitutionData.aspx), is burglary. Roughly 40,000 property crimes each year happen on college or university campuses. Thefts occur in dormitories and academic buildings. Students often make a snack run, or something of the sort, and will trustingly dash out of their room, leaving their doors unlocked or their valuables left unguarded. Without a thought to the security breach, they up and run out on their errand. When many return, they find their belongings such as their iPhone, iPod or laptop, have been stolen.
Statistical data show that rooms are broken into very rarely. This is because of the nature of the crime: burglary is usually opportunistic. It is also an earmark of college life, as college-aged students have just barely transitioned out of high school in most cases. As such, the student body is very social and friendly, for the most part. Life between the crushing pressures of academic pursuits and remaining socially accepted is essentially spent on the assumption that everyone is on the same page, running for the same goals, and who on Earth would want to steal my laptop? So goes the thought, but the point is that theft occurs when no security measures are taken, and usually security is the last thing on these busy students' minds.
It's a sad introduction into the real world when a well-intentioned social butterfly or absent-minded student fails to leave their dorm room locked, or their belongings stashed away in a safe. The trouble is, most college campuses don't have a secure place for every student to lock his or her belongings in. Furthermore, with the transient lifestyle of a 4-year student, there is no practical way to lug a 1,200 pound, fireproof safe from room to room...Hence, hardly anyone will actually have a safe to secure their belongings in.
Solution: Get a laptop safe for your college-bound student. There are a number of safe manufacturers on the market today, here are a few that make excellent varieties of the laptop or personal safe:
Sentry Safe
Mesa Safe Co.
ADG Sports
The "laptop safe" can also be listed as a "microwave safe," both are a small, personal safe. The microwave safe is so named because of the appearance: it looks like a microwave, only smaller. "Pistol safes" will also be a good fit for this category, it all depends on the size of your valuables, and the interior room available in the safe. When looking for a laptop safe, keep these other search terms in mind.