Chiropractic Treatment for Piriformis Syndrome
- The piriformis muscle is a small muscle located deep in the buttock. When the piriformis is too tight, it can press on the sciatic nerve, which starts in the lower back, runs through the buttock and down the leg. The resulting pain is called piriformis syndrome.
- One reason that the piriformis can be tight is misalignments in the bones of the pelvis and spine. Chiropractic treatment can restore the bony alignment, taking the stress off the piriforimis and helping it to relax.
- A chiropractor may also show you gentle stretches to help the muscle relax. According to Kim Christensen, DC, improving the flexibility of the piriformis is important.
- Also according to Christensen, people with piriformis syndrome often have leg-length discrepancies and foot pronation problems that need to be addressed.
- Christensen also says that a closely monitored home exercise program lets the chiropractor provide cost-efficient and effective rehabilitation care.
What is Piriforimis Syndome?
Leg and Foot
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