Defense Attorney Tips
- Acquittal or conviction can be contingent on you choosing the right lawyer.happy business lady image by Paul Moore from
When the police charge you with a crime, they must inform you of your right to have an attorney represent you in court. If you can't afford one, the court itself will appoint a public defender on your behalf. However, if you can afford a lawyer, do plenty of research so that you may choose the best possible advocate. This will make a difficult time much easier for you. - According to, most lawyers charge by the hour or will require a flat fee. Criminal lawyers can be expensive; however, an effective way of screening out those only in it for the money would be to ask if the attorney conducts free consultations.
It's important to know how much you will be spending in the end if you hire this person, whether you win or lose your case. Obtain all this information in writing. Read the fine print on any agreements before you sign. - Don't only ask your prospective attorney how many acquittals he's won; do your own research. This is an important issue. According to the law firm Van Wagner and Wood, the number of outright acquittals your prospective attorney has won shows if she has a track record of preparation. She has established a reputation of hard work, fair play and of following the court rules and abstaining from obnoxious behavior in the courtroom. Also, according to the firm, such attorneys are persuasive enough to convince juries to acquit defendants. If the attorney has won many outright acquittals, chances are better she will win your case for you.
- Perform a background check on your prospective attorney. Enter his name into any Internet search engine. If he has been in any trouble via malpractice suits, suspensions by the bar or is practicing law without the proper credentials--these should constitute a red flag. If he owns his own practice, a trip to the Better Business Bureau may be in order. Doing this could avoid hiring someone whose credibility within the society of lawyers or the court system is already low.
- Pay a visit to the lawyer's office to see how the staff will treat you. As points out, the best lawyers usually have the best staff working for them. If they are treating you in a rude and condescending manner, this could be an indication of what your treatment by this attorney may be.
Acquittal History
Background Checks