Blade Trinity Diet
- In several interviews, Ryan Reynolds said the key to gaining all that muscle mass was his diet and not the exercise. The key is to eat 8 to 10 small meals throughout the day that are high in protein and carbohydrates. The body stores fat for when food is not available. If you keep your body fed with foods that it needs, it maximizes the fat burning and lessens the amount of food stored for fat because you are keeping body constantly fed.
The other key component is what foods you are eating. Reynolds started the day with two eggs, a slice of avocado and one cup of oatmeal. He would have a protein bar for a snack a few hours later and then tuna or chicken in some salad for lunch. The mid-afternoon snack included a protein shake, a protein bar and almonds. Dinner was broiled chicken or fish, brown rice and vegetables and salad. The final snack of the day was a protein shake. This diet of high protein foods that are low in fat helped him gain muscle and lose fat. - In addition to eating a high protein meal, Reynolds admitted to taking supplements like creatine to help him bulk up. He considers himself a "scrawny guy" and needed all the help he could to gain muscle. He also said the key to the workout routine was not to hate it and instead make it fun because otherwise he would have found some excuse not to do it.
Reynolds had a personal trainer who focused totally on muscle building and not on cardio. He worked out for 2 to 3 hours per day, six days a week. The exercises focused his muscles and included free weights, medicine balls and 500 to 1000 sit-ups a day. He worked one a different body part each day using a variety of exercises. He said any exercise book would contain numerous workouts for the individual body parts.
The Food
The Workout