How to Paint Dewdrops
- 1). Pour small amounts of green, white and black acrylic paint onto a painter's palette. You can hold your palette while you work, offering easier access to the different colors of paint.
- 2). Dip a small paintbrush with a rounded tip into the green paint and paint a small slightly oblong circle onto the desired object on a piece of art paper or canvas -- in this case a medium green colored leaf or one shade darker than the color of the object if different -- and fill it in with additional green paint to create a single dewdrop.
- 3). Wait for the paint to dry completely.
- 4). Dip a paintbrush into the white paint and paint a small arc on the top of the dewdrop, slightly toward the left side. This creates a highlight and adds depth to the dewdrop, making it appear more three-dimensional.
- 5). Dip a paintbrush into the black paint and paint a thin line directly underneath the dewdrop. This creates shadowing and adds more realism to the image.