Win Your Girlfriend Back - Make Your Ex-Girlfriend Want You Back
If you've been thinking about how to win your girlfriend back and nothing has been working than perhaps it's time to try another strategy. It's time for you to go against all of those feelings you're feeling right now. You're going to have to push past the pain and the heartbreak. I know it seems almost impossible at the moment to win your girlfriend back, but with the right strategy anything is possible.
The first thing I want to clear out of the way is that you should never ever use guilt, manipulation or other dirty and low tactics in order to win your girlfriend back. This is a common mistake that almost every guy makes and most of them scratch their heads and wonder why it doesn't work.
Winning your girlfriend back isn't exactly rocket science... in fact it's pretty easy; however, it requires patience and a cool head. At all times you're going to need to keep your emotions in check because they are not helpful at this stage. There is one reason and one reason only why couples get back together and that is post breakup behaviour so keep that in mind at all times.
The first thing you're going to need to do is check your ego and swallow your pride and accept that the relationship is over. You are also going to need to give your girlfriend a call and let her know that you've accepted the fact that the relationship is over. While you're talking with her also apologize for any of your actions that are responsible for the breakup.
After that call it's time to give her the silent treatment. It's a little basic psychology. Since you are no longer in her life at all times she's naturally going to start thinking about you. Remember that you can't get back together unless she misses you and this is the first step in achieving that. Don't believe that she'll start thinking about you? Give her the silent treatment for a few days and see if she calls you up "just to talk".
The other thing that you're going to learn during this silent treatment is how to stop being needy. Girls hate needy guys and calling and begging to get back together after the breakup is needy behaviour and makes her run in the opposite direction. Women crave confident men and your ex girlfriend is no different. Live your life as if nothing is wrong and pretty soon she's going to start to wonder why you have stopped bugging her and more importantly she'll wonder if you still want her.
This is the stage where you have to stay strong. You have a great chance to win your girlfriend back... as long as you make her want you first.
The first thing I want to clear out of the way is that you should never ever use guilt, manipulation or other dirty and low tactics in order to win your girlfriend back. This is a common mistake that almost every guy makes and most of them scratch their heads and wonder why it doesn't work.
Winning your girlfriend back isn't exactly rocket science... in fact it's pretty easy; however, it requires patience and a cool head. At all times you're going to need to keep your emotions in check because they are not helpful at this stage. There is one reason and one reason only why couples get back together and that is post breakup behaviour so keep that in mind at all times.
The first thing you're going to need to do is check your ego and swallow your pride and accept that the relationship is over. You are also going to need to give your girlfriend a call and let her know that you've accepted the fact that the relationship is over. While you're talking with her also apologize for any of your actions that are responsible for the breakup.
After that call it's time to give her the silent treatment. It's a little basic psychology. Since you are no longer in her life at all times she's naturally going to start thinking about you. Remember that you can't get back together unless she misses you and this is the first step in achieving that. Don't believe that she'll start thinking about you? Give her the silent treatment for a few days and see if she calls you up "just to talk".
The other thing that you're going to learn during this silent treatment is how to stop being needy. Girls hate needy guys and calling and begging to get back together after the breakup is needy behaviour and makes her run in the opposite direction. Women crave confident men and your ex girlfriend is no different. Live your life as if nothing is wrong and pretty soon she's going to start to wonder why you have stopped bugging her and more importantly she'll wonder if you still want her.
This is the stage where you have to stay strong. You have a great chance to win your girlfriend back... as long as you make her want you first.