How to Etch 2 Dimensional Pictures on Mirrors
- 1). Clean the mirror with a glass cleaner and allow it to air dry for 30 minutes.
- 2). Cut a piece of vinyl resist paper at least 2 inches wider than the picture you will be etching.
- 3). Peel a portion of the paper backing from the resist and press it to the mirror.
- 4). Press the vinyl to the mirror using a squeegee. Work slowly, removing a 2- to 3-inch section of paper backing and then smoothing the vinyl to avoid creating air bubbles.
- 5). Transfer your design to the vinyl by drawing, copying with carbon paper or taping your design on top of the vinyl.
- 6). Trace the lines of your design with a stencil knife or a utility knife. Do not worry about scratches on the mirror. The etching cream will obliterate them.
- 7). Peel away the vinyl pieces in the areas you want to etch. For thin pieces, use a needle to get under the vinyl. Remember, for objects, removing the borders will etch the objects outline; removing the center will etch the object.
- 8). Smooth the vinyl again with the squeegee to ensure all of the edges are sealed.
- 9). Paint on the etching cream with a foam brush. Use a light touch to avoid shifting the resist. Allow the etching cream to set for the manufacture’s recommended amount of time. Times may vary as much as two to 10 minutes depending on the strength of the acid.
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Rinse the mirror under running water. For large mirrors, you can use a garden hose. However, you should not rinse the mirror over concrete or wood. - 11
Peel away the rest of the vinyl resist and clean the mirror with glass cleaner before displaying.