Beginner Guitar Lessons Jamorama Style - Review of 14 Points
The online guitar lessons for beginners Jamorama offers is a great product if you are the novice guitar player or have tried other methods of learning that have left you frustrated and confused.
Jamorama offers a very simple approach but with effective results.
You cannot lose your way with the step by step structured lessons as well over 200,000 students have realized. I want to add my contribution to guitar course reviews with what I know about this vibrant company.
Jamorama was created by Jon Coursey and Dave McKinnon.
It came about when Jon turned to guitar after struggling through jazz school as a drummer. He could strum patterns and was able to learn how to play chords some on his guitar, but soon realized he needed help to move further on. Jon asked his friend Dave McKinnon, who was an excellent guitarist, for more teaching.
Dave soon had Jon playing major and minor chords in the open position, then later, bar chords. When it got to scales, Jon found them difficult. Before long, Jon was ready to give up, but Dave wouldn't let him.
Dave could see that theory was the major problem for Jon, just as it had been for himself. He told his friend that after a few years of practicing, the theory and the practical would come together. But there was no way Jon believed he could wait years to learn to play the guitar; he knew he would give up.
This got Dave thinking - how many others had probably given up because of the same hurdles? So he started some serious research. He spent a month just looking at all the different methods of learning to play the guitar that were at the time, available to students.
Dave soon came to the conclusion that there just wasn't the right teaching program out there to bring theory and practical application together in an engaging way.
It was at this point that Jon and Dave became a team, spending months working with many multiple talented guitar instructors to write, film, test, and then improve on their course.
They ended up with the program of Jamorama Guitar Instructions as we know it today:
1.Jamorama has 7 full time great staff members totally dedicated to the success of their students.
2.Over 6 years experience of teaching students how to learn to play the guitar online.
3.The teachers have worked with many of the worlds greatest guitarists, including: Keb Mo', Tuck & Patti, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Taj Mahal, and Crowded House, just to name a few.
4.Over 200,000 customers to date.
5. 83% of Jamorama customers would happily recommend Jamorama to other budding guitar students.
6.Jamorama has won awards including €2007 Canterbury Champion Award for Small Business Excellence€ and the €2008 ANZ Award for Creative Initiative.€
7. Seen as one of the fastest growing companies in its field.
8. All the step-by-step guitar lessons go on your computer in an easy to use digital book format. (No more leaving your home on a rainy night to make your way to a cold hall filled with other students for your lessons)
9. Each lesson has its own "how to play guitar" videos.
10. You can take your lessons when it suits you at any time of the day.
11.Jamorama guitar instructions cover all the major impressive guitar techniques that you need to master - Bending, Slide, Strumming, Alternate Picking, Legato, Vibrato, Arpeggios and much more.
12. Unique Ear Training System for learning your favorite songs, especially beginners guitar songs.
13. Lots of offers with a weekly newsletter.
14. World Wide availability for International Customers.
All in all, this is a well thought out product that teaches students how to play a guitar online. It identifies the needs of the students as well as recognizing the difficulties they will face and make them as simple to understand as is possible. It's great value compared to many other styles of teaching and you do not have to leave your home. You will always have the program so can go back to it at any time for a refresher. In my opinion, Jamorama offers the best guitar lessons online.
Jamorama offers a very simple approach but with effective results.
You cannot lose your way with the step by step structured lessons as well over 200,000 students have realized. I want to add my contribution to guitar course reviews with what I know about this vibrant company.
Jamorama was created by Jon Coursey and Dave McKinnon.
It came about when Jon turned to guitar after struggling through jazz school as a drummer. He could strum patterns and was able to learn how to play chords some on his guitar, but soon realized he needed help to move further on. Jon asked his friend Dave McKinnon, who was an excellent guitarist, for more teaching.
Dave soon had Jon playing major and minor chords in the open position, then later, bar chords. When it got to scales, Jon found them difficult. Before long, Jon was ready to give up, but Dave wouldn't let him.
Dave could see that theory was the major problem for Jon, just as it had been for himself. He told his friend that after a few years of practicing, the theory and the practical would come together. But there was no way Jon believed he could wait years to learn to play the guitar; he knew he would give up.
This got Dave thinking - how many others had probably given up because of the same hurdles? So he started some serious research. He spent a month just looking at all the different methods of learning to play the guitar that were at the time, available to students.
Dave soon came to the conclusion that there just wasn't the right teaching program out there to bring theory and practical application together in an engaging way.
It was at this point that Jon and Dave became a team, spending months working with many multiple talented guitar instructors to write, film, test, and then improve on their course.
They ended up with the program of Jamorama Guitar Instructions as we know it today:
1.Jamorama has 7 full time great staff members totally dedicated to the success of their students.
2.Over 6 years experience of teaching students how to learn to play the guitar online.
3.The teachers have worked with many of the worlds greatest guitarists, including: Keb Mo', Tuck & Patti, Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Taj Mahal, and Crowded House, just to name a few.
4.Over 200,000 customers to date.
5. 83% of Jamorama customers would happily recommend Jamorama to other budding guitar students.
6.Jamorama has won awards including €2007 Canterbury Champion Award for Small Business Excellence€ and the €2008 ANZ Award for Creative Initiative.€
7. Seen as one of the fastest growing companies in its field.
8. All the step-by-step guitar lessons go on your computer in an easy to use digital book format. (No more leaving your home on a rainy night to make your way to a cold hall filled with other students for your lessons)
9. Each lesson has its own "how to play guitar" videos.
10. You can take your lessons when it suits you at any time of the day.
11.Jamorama guitar instructions cover all the major impressive guitar techniques that you need to master - Bending, Slide, Strumming, Alternate Picking, Legato, Vibrato, Arpeggios and much more.
12. Unique Ear Training System for learning your favorite songs, especially beginners guitar songs.
13. Lots of offers with a weekly newsletter.
14. World Wide availability for International Customers.
All in all, this is a well thought out product that teaches students how to play a guitar online. It identifies the needs of the students as well as recognizing the difficulties they will face and make them as simple to understand as is possible. It's great value compared to many other styles of teaching and you do not have to leave your home. You will always have the program so can go back to it at any time for a refresher. In my opinion, Jamorama offers the best guitar lessons online.