What to Do When Sugar Is High?
- Look for the common signs and symptoms if you think your blood sugar is high. According to the Vermont Department of Health, some symptoms that may manifest are shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth, excessive thirst and a frequent need to urinate. You may also feel hungry, your skin may become dry and itchy and your vision may become blurry.
Use urine strips to test for ketone readings. If your ketone readings are high, it may also be an indicator of high blood sugar. - Test your blood sugar whenever you think it is high using a glucometer, if you have one. According to an article at Health.com, a single high reading is not a cause for concern. If your blood sugar readings are consistently above 180 for more than a week, or if two consecutive readings are above 300, you should contact your health care provider.
If you don't have a glucometer and you believe you have high blood sugar, you should contact your health care provider to arrange a test.
Exercise is one of the quickest ways to get your blood sugar level down; however, you should test your urine for ketone levels before exercising. Ketones are present in your urine when your body is burning stored fat to use as energy. Exercising will increase fat burning, making your blood sugar go even higher. The American Diabetes Association warns that exercising with high ketone levels can make your blood sugar higher, and the buildup of ketones in your blood put you at risk for a diabetic coma, known as ketoacidosis.
If your blood sugar is unusually high for a day or two, review what you've eaten. Stop eating for a while, or eat less. Carbohydrates are often the culprit with high blood sugar, so cut down on bread, pasta, rice and other simple carbs to see if it makes a difference. If you are taking medication for diabetes, check to ensure it is not expired.
If your sugar is consistently high, speak to your health care provider. You might need to change your medicine or your dosage. Speak to your dietician about changing your diet plan. Working with a qualified health care provider is the best way to ensure a safe solution to the problem.
What to Do