My Personal Review of Nitric Oxide Producing Supplements
There has been a whole host of Nitric Oxide producing supplements that have been introduced to the supplement market in recent years, and many of them promise many benefits.
Most notably, these supplements promise huge size gains, massive bursts of energy, and a ripped physique.
But how do these supplements actually work?We set out to learn as much as we could about these products, and actually had a chance to personally try a few of them.
So How Do Nitric Oxide Supplements Work? According to several bits of research i came across, the theory behind these supplements is that they relax the muscles, which allow for increased blood flow.
This is called vasolidation, which is something that normally occurs in the human body.
So what is the benefit of increased blood flow?Well, besides getting that massive, ripped look you see from many guys in the gym, the theory is that this enhanced blood flow can also help to deliver nutrients more efficiently.
But does it really work like this?There are several highly reputable physicians and pharmacologists that have suggested that NO does not actually help to increase blood flow in people, and actually may reduce protein synthesis.
A lot of companies make these claims, especially with regards to l-arginine and its supposed effect on the body.
So What Were My Results? Well, I decided to put all of these theory's to the test and ordered several different types of supposed "nitric oxide producing" supplements.
The first one i tried is a very popular one called Nitro Blast X.
I originally came across it when i was researching the various NO supplements out there, and it had some pretty good reviews.
They actually had a free trial of the product available, so i was able to test it out for a few days before I decided whether it was right for me.
The first few days I felt a very strong boost of energy, but as time went on I felt like it was starting to wear down.
I decided to increase the dosage by an additional capsule, and after a full week of using it, it felt like it was practically useless.
Kind of bummed out, I decided to return the product to avoid getting charged.
The next NO product I tried was NO xplode, which contained many of the same ingredients in nitro blast x, but was said to be more potent because it contained 1500 mg instead of the usual 500 mg.
I started taking this about 2 weeks after I finished the earlier product, and I literally got the same results from it.
Conclusion I don't know if it was a placebo effect or what, but it seemed as though the first few days I would take these products I would get a significant boost of energy, and then it would dissipate.
I even felt like I looked more muscular, and I could see my veins popping out, but this too went away after a few days.
All in all, from now on I think I will just stick with creatine and protein supplements to gain muscle, and then use a fat burner and do more cardio for that ripped physique.
Most notably, these supplements promise huge size gains, massive bursts of energy, and a ripped physique.
But how do these supplements actually work?We set out to learn as much as we could about these products, and actually had a chance to personally try a few of them.
So How Do Nitric Oxide Supplements Work? According to several bits of research i came across, the theory behind these supplements is that they relax the muscles, which allow for increased blood flow.
This is called vasolidation, which is something that normally occurs in the human body.
So what is the benefit of increased blood flow?Well, besides getting that massive, ripped look you see from many guys in the gym, the theory is that this enhanced blood flow can also help to deliver nutrients more efficiently.
But does it really work like this?There are several highly reputable physicians and pharmacologists that have suggested that NO does not actually help to increase blood flow in people, and actually may reduce protein synthesis.
A lot of companies make these claims, especially with regards to l-arginine and its supposed effect on the body.
So What Were My Results? Well, I decided to put all of these theory's to the test and ordered several different types of supposed "nitric oxide producing" supplements.
The first one i tried is a very popular one called Nitro Blast X.
I originally came across it when i was researching the various NO supplements out there, and it had some pretty good reviews.
They actually had a free trial of the product available, so i was able to test it out for a few days before I decided whether it was right for me.
The first few days I felt a very strong boost of energy, but as time went on I felt like it was starting to wear down.
I decided to increase the dosage by an additional capsule, and after a full week of using it, it felt like it was practically useless.
Kind of bummed out, I decided to return the product to avoid getting charged.
The next NO product I tried was NO xplode, which contained many of the same ingredients in nitro blast x, but was said to be more potent because it contained 1500 mg instead of the usual 500 mg.
I started taking this about 2 weeks after I finished the earlier product, and I literally got the same results from it.
Conclusion I don't know if it was a placebo effect or what, but it seemed as though the first few days I would take these products I would get a significant boost of energy, and then it would dissipate.
I even felt like I looked more muscular, and I could see my veins popping out, but this too went away after a few days.
All in all, from now on I think I will just stick with creatine and protein supplements to gain muscle, and then use a fat burner and do more cardio for that ripped physique.