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Nurses: Are You Environmental Health Stewards?

Nurses: Are You Environmental Health Stewards? What healthcare practice produces dioxin?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Exposing cytotoxic drugs to air  13%
Incineration of polyvinyl chloride productsCorrect Answer 51%
Mixing bleach and ammonia for cleaning  25%
Improper disposal of alkaline batteries  11%

What toxic gas is believed to leach into water supplies as a result of fracking?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
MethaneCorrect Answer 71%
Nitrogen  8%
Helium  2%
Argon  19%

What vegetable contains the highest concentration of pesticides?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Onions  19%
Asparagus  13%
Cauliflower  24%
Kale/collard greensCorrect Answer 43%

The farming of which food produces the most greenhouse gases?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
BeefCorrect Answer 71%
Chicken  8%
Wheat  8%
Soybeans  13%

What naturally occurring carcinogen can be found in rice and tap water?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Phytoestrogens  11%
Aflatoxins  10%
ArsenicCorrect Answer 66%
Nitrosamines  12%

Chemicals that mimic or block hormones are called:
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Prohormones  15%
Steroids  9%
Neurotransmitter antagonists  12%
Endocrine disruptorsCorrect Answer 64%

When an activity threatens harm to the environment or human health, measures should be taken even if cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established. This is the:
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Public trust doctrine  32%
Precautionary principleCorrect Answer 53%
Hippocratic oath  6%
Nightingale pledge  2%
Code of environmentally preferable purchasing  8%

Which of the following exposes patients to ionizing radiation?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Laser surgery  10%
Doppler ultrasonography  1%
MRI spectroscopy  24%
CTCorrect Answer 55%
Lithotripsy  10%

What carcinogen is added as a preservative to many personal care products?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
FormaldehydeCorrect Answer 41%
Chloracetamide  6%
Parabens  41%
Triclosan  12%

Which of the following words on a label means that a personal care product contains no hazardous substances?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Dermatologist tested  3%
Hypoallergenic  5%
All natural ingredients  7%
Fragrance-free  0%
None of the aboveCorrect Answer 77%
All of the above  8%

One out of every 14 newborns is exposed to unsafe levels of which neurotoxin?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Iodine  9%
Lead  58%
MethylmercuryCorrect Answer 24%
Glutamate  9%

What drinking water is recommended by the Environmental Working Group?
    Your Colleagues Responded:
Bottled water  5%
Bottled spring water  9%
Tap water  17%
Filtered tap waterCorrect Answer 69%

Environmental Health and Nurses

Environmental health has been steadily gaining momentum as we learn about not only the effects of the environment on human health, but also evidence-based strategies to mitigate those effects. The scope of environmental health is massive, because the environment is "everything around us -- the air we breathe, the water we drink and use, and the food we consume. It's also the chemicals, radiation, microbes, and physical forces with which we come into contact."

The ways in which human health can be influenced by the environment are so numerous that nurses can easily become overwhelmed and confused about their role in environmental health. These feelings can multiply the more nurses learn about the health implications of the environment. "Thinking they have to do everything sometimes keeps nurses from doing anything," explains Barbara Sattler, RN, DrPh, Professor, University of San Francisco, School of Nursing and Health Professions.

She's right. It's very easy to think, "I can't influence everything my patients eat and drink, what they do for a living, or the type of car they drive. I can't force them to stop smoking, to use sunscreen, or move to a cleaner city." This kind of thinking can easily become incapacitating.

Sattler suggests that nurses take a breath, step back, and learn about some very simple steps to begin incorporating environmental exposure assessments into their everyday nursing practice. Such assessments prompt pediatric nurses to ask their patients and parents about potential risks from household and outdoor use of pesticides, obstetric nurses and midwives to ask about lead-based paint dust in their patients' homes, and all nurses to consider other likely exposures to their patient populations.

Environmental Health Is Not a Subspecialty

Although there are many environmental health experts in nursing, Sattler warns that environmental health is not the purview of a defined cadre of nurses, in the manner of forensics, informatics, or wound care nursing. Environmental health must be integrated into the practice of all nurses, regardless of setting of care or population served. The environmental health experts, like Sattler, are the leaders, researchers, and educators who can help nursing as a whole to embrace and encourage environmental health for their patients.

To accomplish this, nurses with interest and expertise in environmental health created the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE). The ANHE is a network of nurses from every corner of nursing, both clinical and academic, who share the belief that the environment and health are inextricably connected, and that nurses can influence whether this connection is negative or positive. Nurses from around the world participate in this virtual organization to learn more about environmental health or to join a workgroup dedicated to education, practice, research, or advocacy in environmental health. Nurses and nurse specialty organizations are encouraged to join the EnviroRN community at ANHE.

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