Have You Seen Giant African Land Snails in Florida?
Florida with its warm humid climate often plays home to a very large host of pests unfortunately sometimes it is home to pests native to other regions as well. The latest pest to join this list? Giant African land snails. This is an invasive species that can grow to be the size of large rats! These pests are a problem because they are more than willing to destroy plants and buildings alike. What's more, though, is that they can even cause health problems in humans.
A Snail Lesson
Pest control professionals believe these Giant African land snails came in as hitchhikers on luggage. Like many rodent populations, though, they have the ability to explode pretty quickly, and since they can reach adulthood in the span of just month, it's a real issue. Once they reach this point, they can lay thousands of eggs in any given year. They are also hermaphroditic, so once the two snails mate, you come away with two pregnant creatures. With no known natural enemies, these slimy beasts are more than willing to take over the entire state.
They eat a variety of plant materials, fruit, and vegetables. It will even consume stones in some cases. It is even willing to consume stucco, thanks to the calcium-rich material it contains. It can not only destroy all of the plants in your yard, but it can also quickly eat parts of your house too.
The problem has already appeared in twenty different locations around the Miami-Dade area, almost exclusively in residential areas. With more than 128,000 snails having been collected in the span of just a few months, authorities are concerned about the potential spread.
Property damage is just the first of many worries with this type of creature. They can also carry a parasitic nematode that is known to cause meningitis in humans. While there are no reported cases of it yet, several snails have been caught that actually had the parasite inside them.
How to Stop Them
Florida's agricultural department has launched a massive campaign against these problem creatures. You may see TV spots to help you learn more about them or even hear radio ads. The key here is to keep your eyes open. They are literally everywhere in affected areas. They hide in damp and shaded areas during the heat of the day, but you can find them under eaves, around brush, and near air conditioners where things stay moist. If you happen to see them, contacting Brevard County pest control professionals is an absolute must to help stop this invasive species throughout the state of Florida.
To learn more about how we can keep your home safe, contact us today. You can schedule a free evaluation to learn more about how total pest control can change the way you look at pest control forever.
A Snail Lesson
Pest control professionals believe these Giant African land snails came in as hitchhikers on luggage. Like many rodent populations, though, they have the ability to explode pretty quickly, and since they can reach adulthood in the span of just month, it's a real issue. Once they reach this point, they can lay thousands of eggs in any given year. They are also hermaphroditic, so once the two snails mate, you come away with two pregnant creatures. With no known natural enemies, these slimy beasts are more than willing to take over the entire state.
They eat a variety of plant materials, fruit, and vegetables. It will even consume stones in some cases. It is even willing to consume stucco, thanks to the calcium-rich material it contains. It can not only destroy all of the plants in your yard, but it can also quickly eat parts of your house too.
The problem has already appeared in twenty different locations around the Miami-Dade area, almost exclusively in residential areas. With more than 128,000 snails having been collected in the span of just a few months, authorities are concerned about the potential spread.
Property damage is just the first of many worries with this type of creature. They can also carry a parasitic nematode that is known to cause meningitis in humans. While there are no reported cases of it yet, several snails have been caught that actually had the parasite inside them.
How to Stop Them
Florida's agricultural department has launched a massive campaign against these problem creatures. You may see TV spots to help you learn more about them or even hear radio ads. The key here is to keep your eyes open. They are literally everywhere in affected areas. They hide in damp and shaded areas during the heat of the day, but you can find them under eaves, around brush, and near air conditioners where things stay moist. If you happen to see them, contacting Brevard County pest control professionals is an absolute must to help stop this invasive species throughout the state of Florida.
To learn more about how we can keep your home safe, contact us today. You can schedule a free evaluation to learn more about how total pest control can change the way you look at pest control forever.