Is It Possible to Be an RN & Work From My Home?
- Companies such as Fonemed and McKesson hire nurses for telephone triage. Many companies that use registered nurses for the telephone triage position require the nurse to have clinical skills and experience. Previous office experience may also be required. Insurance companies may use a registered nurse in a triage position to assess situations to avoid unnecessary trips to the emergency room. Telephone triage nurse duties may also include explaining medication instructions, answering questions about side effects of medications and other client inquiries.
- You can work from home as a freelance medical writing expert through various websites with health-related pages. Your first-hand knowledge about diseases, medications and simple treatments of non-life-threatening conditions is in demand, and writing articles, e-books and fact sheets allows you to turn your medical knowledge and experience into cash. Pharmaceutical companies may request pamphlets for new medications or medical conditions. Health magazines also print health-related articles from freelance writers with a nursing degree or other medical background.
- Attorneys hire nurses and physicians to act as consultants in legal matters. As a registered nurse, you may act as the liaison between the client and the attorney to clarify medical information or experiences. Insurance companies may hire nurses to do follow-up work on clients to assess medical treatments or diagnoses. You may choose to set up your own business and charge a fee for each consultation.
- Home health care agencies, insurance companies and other agencies hire registered nurses to act as case managers for clients. Your job requirements would include visiting homebound clients to set up a plan of action for home treatment and then following up throughout the case to ensure proper execution of the plan. As a case manager, you may also be required to meet with the primary caregiver to reassess the case to better suit the needs of the client.
Telephone Triage
Freelance Writer
Legal Medical Consultant
Case Managers