How to Use a ChatterBait
- 1). Choose the proper size ChatterBait. This bait is approximately 4 1/2 inches long and comes in a wide range of sizes, weighing from 1/4 oz. to 5/8 oz. Cold or narrow bodies of water are occupied by smaller fish that can be caught on lightweight ChatterBaits. Warmer, more expansive rivers and lakes allow fish to grow larger, and heavier bait is required to hook these lunkers.
- 2). Tie the ChatterBait to the end of the line on your fishing pole. The ChatterBait has a small metal square with a swivel hook at the top. Hold the swivel in one hand and thread your line through the hook, tying two or three knots in the line to secure the bait.
- 3). Practice casting your pole before heading out onto the water. ChatterBaits are aerodynamic and will cast farther than other types of bait. Find an area near the water free of trees and bushes, and cast your line 15 or 20 times, until you get a feel for the bait and know how far it will travel.
- 4). Bait the hook at the tail of the ChatterBait with a soft bait. Small pieces of bait fish or shrimp fit well on the hook and have a pungent smell to attract fish. Spray the lure with a scent spray for added odor to draw in even more fish.
- 5). Cast your pole and leave the line slack to allow the ChatterBait to sink to the bottom. Slowly reel the slack out of the line, and pull the tip of the pole upward. This causes the bait to vibrate and jump up from the bottom of lake bed, mimicking the movement of an injured fish. Reel in the slack after every tug, allowing the bait to sink down between tugs.
- 6). Watch the tip of the pole for bites. When a fish bites the ChatterBait, the pole will bend down toward the water as the fish tries to swim away with the bait. Set the hook by pulling up firmly on the pole and quickly reeling in the line.