Child Custody Laws in the State of Utah
- In Utah, the child's wishes are taken into account. The child's wishes are not at all binding, but the judge does take them into account while making any binding decisions.
- In Utah, a judge has the option of awarding joint physical custody, meaning the child would live with both parents during the year, and/or joint legal custody giving both parents legal rights to the child and his well being.
- Grandparents have visitation rights along with noncustodial parents in Utah. This controversial law in child custody is not common among many states.
- Before the custodial parent moves more than 150 miles away, 60 days notice must be given to all parties involved. Depending on the reason for the move, it can affect the amount of child support.
- The amount of parenting done before the divorce is taken into account when awarding custody. A parent who did little parenting has less chance of custody over the child than a parent who did the majority of the parenting.
Child's Wishes
Joint Custody