An Introduction To The Common Hospital Machinery
Due to constant improvements and evolvements in computer technology, there has come a phase of advancement in the machinery or the devices used in hospitals. The devices conduct important scans and help doctors in diagnosing the disease in the concerned patient. There are a few basic machines, which can never go out of the trend when it comes to hospitals and other medical institutions.
The first and the foremost on the list of medical equipments used in the hospitals are the defibrillators. It is one of the best tools to treat a patient, who has suffered from a heart stroke or a cardiac arrest. Each and every hospital is installed with this machine, along with other necessary devices to tackle the problem. The machine was first time used in the 19th century by a doctor called Claude Beck on his fourteen year old patient when his heart stopped working during the open heart surgery.
Patient monitor is another essential tool and is mostly found in the operating theatres of the hospitals. It is a large machine and serves the purpose of recording and monitoring the health of a patient under serious medical conditions, like a severe accident, coma, etc. It plays a significant role in alarming the doctor about the upcoming dangers on the patients health, before they suffer any physical symptoms of an acute outcome.
German scientist, called Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered the X- rays while performing an experiment related to the electronic beams. It took many years to get the useful and harmless X Ray Machines used today from those cumbersome and highly risky things used earlier. X ray machines are used to detect medical problems, like fractured bones, sprain in the bones, cavities or any other substances present in the body of the patient. The output of these machines is an image. Chest X rays are also conducted with the help of these X-ray machines.
Electrocardiogram Machine abbreviated as EKG was constructed in the year 1973 by a scientist, known as Willem Einthoven. EKG machines are used for determining irregularities in the heart functions by interpreting the electrical signals caused by the movement of the heart muscles. He assigned the title P, Q, R, S and T to the signals of the heart. This foundation system discovered by Einthoven is used till present date in the modern EKG machines.
Ultrasound machines work on the principle of SONAR or Sound Navigation and Raging. The ultrasound machine is used to produce an image of the internal tissues and other organs of the body of the patient. The high pitched sound waves are penetrated into the body and a visual image is produced. Karl Dussik used the ultrasound machine to study human brain in the year 1992 and another personality named Ian Donald used the machine for diagnostic uses. Today the machine is used for detecting pregnancy diseases like PCOD in women, cysts in the ovaries, or clots and other problems in the human body.
All these and many other machines have facilitated the health care industry immensely, making it easier to diagnose and provide effective treatment to patients suffering from various diseases. If you are looking for the best Hospital near Mohali or even the best Hospital near Punjab then look for SGHS Hospital.
The first and the foremost on the list of medical equipments used in the hospitals are the defibrillators. It is one of the best tools to treat a patient, who has suffered from a heart stroke or a cardiac arrest. Each and every hospital is installed with this machine, along with other necessary devices to tackle the problem. The machine was first time used in the 19th century by a doctor called Claude Beck on his fourteen year old patient when his heart stopped working during the open heart surgery.
Patient monitor is another essential tool and is mostly found in the operating theatres of the hospitals. It is a large machine and serves the purpose of recording and monitoring the health of a patient under serious medical conditions, like a severe accident, coma, etc. It plays a significant role in alarming the doctor about the upcoming dangers on the patients health, before they suffer any physical symptoms of an acute outcome.
German scientist, called Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered the X- rays while performing an experiment related to the electronic beams. It took many years to get the useful and harmless X Ray Machines used today from those cumbersome and highly risky things used earlier. X ray machines are used to detect medical problems, like fractured bones, sprain in the bones, cavities or any other substances present in the body of the patient. The output of these machines is an image. Chest X rays are also conducted with the help of these X-ray machines.
Electrocardiogram Machine abbreviated as EKG was constructed in the year 1973 by a scientist, known as Willem Einthoven. EKG machines are used for determining irregularities in the heart functions by interpreting the electrical signals caused by the movement of the heart muscles. He assigned the title P, Q, R, S and T to the signals of the heart. This foundation system discovered by Einthoven is used till present date in the modern EKG machines.
Ultrasound machines work on the principle of SONAR or Sound Navigation and Raging. The ultrasound machine is used to produce an image of the internal tissues and other organs of the body of the patient. The high pitched sound waves are penetrated into the body and a visual image is produced. Karl Dussik used the ultrasound machine to study human brain in the year 1992 and another personality named Ian Donald used the machine for diagnostic uses. Today the machine is used for detecting pregnancy diseases like PCOD in women, cysts in the ovaries, or clots and other problems in the human body.
All these and many other machines have facilitated the health care industry immensely, making it easier to diagnose and provide effective treatment to patients suffering from various diseases. If you are looking for the best Hospital near Mohali or even the best Hospital near Punjab then look for SGHS Hospital.