Do"s and Dont"s of Surviving Alcoholism and Depression
As you proceed along your journey of recovering from and surviving Alcoholism and in many cases it's best mate, Depression I thought I would throw in a few tips to help you along. The Anxiety of Alcoholism and the Addiction of your favourite poisons can throw you a curved ball. Disorderly, Stoned and Drunk is beatable. It is not a definitive list but something to even up the odds.
Do presume that you can get out of this mess. Most of us eventually do.
Do realise that you are not the first person to have these horrors on your back and unfortunately you will not be the last.
Do know that there is a lot of help out there. The effects of Alcoholism and Addiction of various medications are well documentated.
Do ask for that help when the gutter is approaching you like a "Perfect Storm". Disorderly and Drunk is not the way to go.
Do make an effort to find someone you can trust, be it a Doctor, Counsellor, Social Worker etc. And then listen to them. A Psychiatrist and Doctor will have seen worse cases than you before. They will have your best interests at heart.
Do realise that you can feel a lot worse than you do at the moment. These mothers can reduce the toughest man or woman to a mumbling broken shell of their former self.
Do remember the little word with a huge meaning-HOPE.
Do not think that you can beat the odds. If you do and have a drink you will make it into the Guiness Book of Records as the only Alcoholic to be able to drink again.
Do not think that your loved ones will stick around for ever. They have a limit, just like you. There is many miserable and lonely recovering alcoholics out there.
Do not believe that you know better than the medical guys. Did you go to medical school?
Do not believe yourself when you say I will stop drinking tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes.
Do not lie to your Doctor, Psychologist or Counsellor. They can see through you. A Psychiatrist or Doctor can only do so much.
Do not blame yourself. Your Addiction of Alcoholism and Anxiety of your past is quite understandable. Alcoholism and Depression are illnesses just like any other.
Do not stop looking for help. I saw 2 Psychiatrists, 8 Psychologists and 3 Doctors until I saw the light of day again.
"I can resist everything except temptation."
Oscar Wilde