Occult? What Occult?
I get many enquiries from people asking ‘What is the Occult? Can I have a seance? Can I contact the dead?'
The Occult means simply, ‘that which is hidden' no more no less. Hidden in the way that it is hidden from the physical senses, from the man in the street, from those who have no concept of life other than on a material level, for those in whom the spiritual eye does not open.
To be involved in the Occult means to begin to recognise and appreciate other dimensions beyond the physical body that moves us around the physical world we are born in to. The true Occult has no place in Ouija boards and people holding hands in darkened rooms, this is the popular media view which belongs to film and TV sitcoms.
Occultists throughout the centuries have held the belief that we as humans have the ability (with training) to transcend this earth and communicate with the higher, spiritual worlds that are outside the perception of our everyday physical senses. Indeed they believe this connection to be essential for anyone who would avoid what could be very unpleasant experiences after death for the uninitiated.
Many people today, indeed most it could be said, are firmly against thinking what might happen when they die. ‘Oh' they say, ‘there's nothing, when I go that's it, finished.'When I hear this I have to smile. It is not a smile of joy though but of resignation. Here's something to try. Ask a person you know what they think, if they ever do, about their soul. I can almost guarantee that will get a look of shocked amazement and a rolling of the eyes that suggest that you need some kind of emergency help. Now ask them about their new car or next years holiday and you will immediately be avalanched with all kinds of superficial facts and details that are relevant to the one, physical, world they live in; the only one most people know and care to know. Don't be too hard on them though, this is the modern civilised (to coin a phrase) world and it is easy to be blinded by technology and the dog eat dog mentality that is the 21st century.
There are signs though that people are becoming very frustrated with this modern, one dimensional, way of living. My postbox (inbox) is increasingly full of enquires from people looking for spiritual guidance and I point to the Occult sciences as a good place to start. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some people grasp the point as soon as they have been shown the way. Like a trout seizing a water borne fly, students clamp down on the teachings as if they had been waiting for them all their life, which indeed they probably have. Once they have understood that the Soul lies within their physical bodies and that there IS a way to access this ethereal entity that will carry them beyond this short, transitory life on earth it is as if a veil has been lifted from their vision.
As a mystic and an occultist I am very happy to be a signpost to paths that lead upwards and outwards beyond this earthly existence towards spiritual realms that are every bit as real as the route you may take to work.
There is no question that not every person will travel the same route to work each day but it is inevitable that everyone's soul must make the journey towards the spiritual realm after the physical body's death on this earth. The Occult sciences have shown the enlightened ones that this journey need not be feared, indeed quite the opposite, when the time comes it should be welcomed, for there are journeys even beyond that fateful one, the one, of course, that most people put off even thinking about.
Lianne Ronan
The Occult means simply, ‘that which is hidden' no more no less. Hidden in the way that it is hidden from the physical senses, from the man in the street, from those who have no concept of life other than on a material level, for those in whom the spiritual eye does not open.
To be involved in the Occult means to begin to recognise and appreciate other dimensions beyond the physical body that moves us around the physical world we are born in to. The true Occult has no place in Ouija boards and people holding hands in darkened rooms, this is the popular media view which belongs to film and TV sitcoms.
Occultists throughout the centuries have held the belief that we as humans have the ability (with training) to transcend this earth and communicate with the higher, spiritual worlds that are outside the perception of our everyday physical senses. Indeed they believe this connection to be essential for anyone who would avoid what could be very unpleasant experiences after death for the uninitiated.
Many people today, indeed most it could be said, are firmly against thinking what might happen when they die. ‘Oh' they say, ‘there's nothing, when I go that's it, finished.'When I hear this I have to smile. It is not a smile of joy though but of resignation. Here's something to try. Ask a person you know what they think, if they ever do, about their soul. I can almost guarantee that will get a look of shocked amazement and a rolling of the eyes that suggest that you need some kind of emergency help. Now ask them about their new car or next years holiday and you will immediately be avalanched with all kinds of superficial facts and details that are relevant to the one, physical, world they live in; the only one most people know and care to know. Don't be too hard on them though, this is the modern civilised (to coin a phrase) world and it is easy to be blinded by technology and the dog eat dog mentality that is the 21st century.
There are signs though that people are becoming very frustrated with this modern, one dimensional, way of living. My postbox (inbox) is increasingly full of enquires from people looking for spiritual guidance and I point to the Occult sciences as a good place to start. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some people grasp the point as soon as they have been shown the way. Like a trout seizing a water borne fly, students clamp down on the teachings as if they had been waiting for them all their life, which indeed they probably have. Once they have understood that the Soul lies within their physical bodies and that there IS a way to access this ethereal entity that will carry them beyond this short, transitory life on earth it is as if a veil has been lifted from their vision.
As a mystic and an occultist I am very happy to be a signpost to paths that lead upwards and outwards beyond this earthly existence towards spiritual realms that are every bit as real as the route you may take to work.
There is no question that not every person will travel the same route to work each day but it is inevitable that everyone's soul must make the journey towards the spiritual realm after the physical body's death on this earth. The Occult sciences have shown the enlightened ones that this journey need not be feared, indeed quite the opposite, when the time comes it should be welcomed, for there are journeys even beyond that fateful one, the one, of course, that most people put off even thinking about.
Lianne Ronan