It Is All Such a Waste of Time
What if I told you that, what if someone could prove it? There is no GOD.
So I am not just talking God of the Christians, I talking any God.
What if someone could prove to you there was no Jehovah, no Mohammed, no Buddha, no Bhagavan.
The concept, it is baffling, right? I mean you take away a person's God and they get downright defensive.
You try taking away their God and what have you become? The thing is this, why should it matter? God or no God aren't all the concepts the same.
The search is futile, and we are all wasting time.
There is this great divine creator who has given us life and sent his son to die for us or arrange to save us in one way or another.
This Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent bring who loves so much that the ultimate sacrifice was made to bring us salvation.
Why is salvation even needed in the creation of the creator? So this divine creator made all these wonderful and marvelous things but then had to arrange to fix it.
This creation that had gone so horribly wrong needed salvation.
God does not make bad? Oh yes, my dear this is precisely the point.
You can't have it both ways.
You can't say that this marvelous and unlimited being, this Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being is all, in all and then say, oh but wait; that bad stuff - ah that's not one of his/her creations.
REALLY? This is the ultimate contradiction, and yet some kinds of way we make it stick.
We put ourselves in a mindset that convinces us that it is all OK.
It's OK because we created God an alternate personality THE DEVIL, and he does all that crappy stuff.
WOW! OK let's look at this again.
There is only one God.
Oh, but wait there is this other guy, this devil who was here with God and who God's battles with to keep us safe.
Oh but hold on, he does not have any power.
(They didn't hear me) He does not have any power because God took it all away.
Oh but wait he must have some power because he is the one that brings all this crappy stuff into our lives, so he must have some power; right? I'm confused.
OK, let's try again, well not the devil, it is the enemy that comes in our thoughts and our emotions and steers us in the wrong or incorrect direction.
So see when this happens then things start to happen in our lives that are not desirable because we have let the enemy in, but he has no power except the power we give him.
Oops, so not only does he have power but you have the authority to give him power.
WOW! Ah, yes that situation.
I can do all things through God, who strengthens, you know the rest.
This ultimate being that started from an outward entity became a part of me and now in many scenarios is now the same as me.
So now then it would seem feasible that I do have that power, that power I give to this enemy.
So now we start to understand that YES, God and I am one, and I have the power that God has but then God is all which now makes God the enemy.
So now God is not only one with me but one with the enemy (The Devil) and one with all those others.
You know the others, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Right? So this ultimate divine being, this God, this Jehovah, this Elohim, created all that we know, from nothing.
So there was nothing, and then there was this great creation.
In that much there is an agreement.
After the creation of a being in his image, his likeness something went awry.
This creation that this great and divine ultimate being had brought forth went BAD.
I hear, I hear you - the ultimate does not create anything bad.
You are so right because there is no such thing as bad, but that is an entirely separate path.
Let us stay here for now.
Maybe we will explore that at a later time.
Back to this creation, creation is done, and creation went awry and everything just went downhill from there.
So now something has got to be done, and a plan was made for a sacrifice, a sacrifice to redeem the creation.
These Plans were they made after things went south or were these plans already set in motion.
So it sounds like what you are saying is that before this ultimate being had even thought about this creation of this being, there was already plans to redeem him because that was already an insight of inappropriate behavior? That is right, right? If there was a solution already decided and the ultimate sacrifice was done, the creator created with knowledge of everything that would take place.
Sounds like a setup.
I'm just saying.
Of course, none of this is taken from my thoughts.
I mean I am just repeating facts, right? I mean have I said anything that can't actually be researched or backed up with a word somewhere and why is it necessary to quote this and quote that.
How many times have you been told what the word says or even read the word for yourself? How many interpretations have you heard or discovered that collaborates what you are reading here? Am I going to try really to refer you back to something you have already been shown? Why would I waste that time? It is all such a waste of time.
You are searching for answers where there is no question.
There never was a question.
The question was made up over time.
You never looked for an answer before.
You know before when you were there and remembered.
At the end/at the beginning of it where you were, where we were and knew ourselves the end/beginning of it.
We were there, there at the end/at the beginning, and there was no question we because already knew the answer.
We simply forgot we were there, and therefore we forgot the answer and convinced ourselves we needed to search for it.
Why do we care what the answer is? What is this relentless need to know? If we ever found the answer what would it change? However we search, we search for answers that were never needed to questions that never existed.
Now, rather than finding answers we have more questions.
The more we search, the more questions we have.
They pile up like the junk at the junkyard, and some of us finally feel like we have found the answer because we start to remember, and a lot of us just give up.
The bulk continues to search.
It is all such a waste of time.
All that searching and we could be, living, loving and enjoying life, forgetting about the why and how and just laughing and having JOY.
If we spent more time on these things, we would remember.
We would remember that there is no answer because there really is no question.
We would remember that it does not matter, and we really don't need to know.
We would laugh more and Love more and have more FUN, and life as we know it would be.
Just that, it would just be.
What questions are you looking for the answers to? What answers do you want to find? When you really think about it, do you believe the answers; once you found them, would change anything? Or would the answers you find create more questions? Is it not time to discover the answers you already have? Is it not time to just remember? You can stop wasting your time and start living.
Stop looking for answers that you already have.
So I am not just talking God of the Christians, I talking any God.
What if someone could prove to you there was no Jehovah, no Mohammed, no Buddha, no Bhagavan.
The concept, it is baffling, right? I mean you take away a person's God and they get downright defensive.
You try taking away their God and what have you become? The thing is this, why should it matter? God or no God aren't all the concepts the same.
The search is futile, and we are all wasting time.
There is this great divine creator who has given us life and sent his son to die for us or arrange to save us in one way or another.
This Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent bring who loves so much that the ultimate sacrifice was made to bring us salvation.
Why is salvation even needed in the creation of the creator? So this divine creator made all these wonderful and marvelous things but then had to arrange to fix it.
This creation that had gone so horribly wrong needed salvation.
God does not make bad? Oh yes, my dear this is precisely the point.
You can't have it both ways.
You can't say that this marvelous and unlimited being, this Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent being is all, in all and then say, oh but wait; that bad stuff - ah that's not one of his/her creations.
REALLY? This is the ultimate contradiction, and yet some kinds of way we make it stick.
We put ourselves in a mindset that convinces us that it is all OK.
It's OK because we created God an alternate personality THE DEVIL, and he does all that crappy stuff.
WOW! OK let's look at this again.
There is only one God.
Oh, but wait there is this other guy, this devil who was here with God and who God's battles with to keep us safe.
Oh but hold on, he does not have any power.
(They didn't hear me) He does not have any power because God took it all away.
Oh but wait he must have some power because he is the one that brings all this crappy stuff into our lives, so he must have some power; right? I'm confused.
OK, let's try again, well not the devil, it is the enemy that comes in our thoughts and our emotions and steers us in the wrong or incorrect direction.
So see when this happens then things start to happen in our lives that are not desirable because we have let the enemy in, but he has no power except the power we give him.
Oops, so not only does he have power but you have the authority to give him power.
WOW! Ah, yes that situation.
I can do all things through God, who strengthens, you know the rest.
This ultimate being that started from an outward entity became a part of me and now in many scenarios is now the same as me.
So now then it would seem feasible that I do have that power, that power I give to this enemy.
So now we start to understand that YES, God and I am one, and I have the power that God has but then God is all which now makes God the enemy.
So now God is not only one with me but one with the enemy (The Devil) and one with all those others.
You know the others, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Right? So this ultimate divine being, this God, this Jehovah, this Elohim, created all that we know, from nothing.
So there was nothing, and then there was this great creation.
In that much there is an agreement.
After the creation of a being in his image, his likeness something went awry.
This creation that this great and divine ultimate being had brought forth went BAD.
I hear, I hear you - the ultimate does not create anything bad.
You are so right because there is no such thing as bad, but that is an entirely separate path.
Let us stay here for now.
Maybe we will explore that at a later time.
Back to this creation, creation is done, and creation went awry and everything just went downhill from there.
So now something has got to be done, and a plan was made for a sacrifice, a sacrifice to redeem the creation.
These Plans were they made after things went south or were these plans already set in motion.
So it sounds like what you are saying is that before this ultimate being had even thought about this creation of this being, there was already plans to redeem him because that was already an insight of inappropriate behavior? That is right, right? If there was a solution already decided and the ultimate sacrifice was done, the creator created with knowledge of everything that would take place.
Sounds like a setup.
I'm just saying.
Of course, none of this is taken from my thoughts.
I mean I am just repeating facts, right? I mean have I said anything that can't actually be researched or backed up with a word somewhere and why is it necessary to quote this and quote that.
How many times have you been told what the word says or even read the word for yourself? How many interpretations have you heard or discovered that collaborates what you are reading here? Am I going to try really to refer you back to something you have already been shown? Why would I waste that time? It is all such a waste of time.
You are searching for answers where there is no question.
There never was a question.
The question was made up over time.
You never looked for an answer before.
You know before when you were there and remembered.
At the end/at the beginning of it where you were, where we were and knew ourselves the end/beginning of it.
We were there, there at the end/at the beginning, and there was no question we because already knew the answer.
We simply forgot we were there, and therefore we forgot the answer and convinced ourselves we needed to search for it.
Why do we care what the answer is? What is this relentless need to know? If we ever found the answer what would it change? However we search, we search for answers that were never needed to questions that never existed.
Now, rather than finding answers we have more questions.
The more we search, the more questions we have.
They pile up like the junk at the junkyard, and some of us finally feel like we have found the answer because we start to remember, and a lot of us just give up.
The bulk continues to search.
It is all such a waste of time.
All that searching and we could be, living, loving and enjoying life, forgetting about the why and how and just laughing and having JOY.
If we spent more time on these things, we would remember.
We would remember that there is no answer because there really is no question.
We would remember that it does not matter, and we really don't need to know.
We would laugh more and Love more and have more FUN, and life as we know it would be.
Just that, it would just be.
What questions are you looking for the answers to? What answers do you want to find? When you really think about it, do you believe the answers; once you found them, would change anything? Or would the answers you find create more questions? Is it not time to discover the answers you already have? Is it not time to just remember? You can stop wasting your time and start living.
Stop looking for answers that you already have.