Why You Have to Have a Squeeze Page
In layman's term, squeeze pages are designed to acquire a potential client's name and e-mail address.
After that, they are encouraged to "opt-in" to an email list to get more details.
Of course, in order not to violate laws, the marketers will need to collect permission from the user by giving them an option if they want to get newsletters or information for updates such as new products and services.
The squeeze page is without a doubt, one of the best and most effective ways used by many advertisers to build a list.
The reason for this is it results to high turn out in the building list compared to the conventional methods such as pop ups and simple opt in forms.
A squeeze page is a page that serves one major purpose - to get your client's information.
Take note of the following tips: - Your squeeze page should boast a headline that identifies the benefits.
By doing so, you attract the visitor's attention and you have a better chance of enticing them to sign up.
You might also want to specify the good things about your site so do not forget to include an "invite" for them to sign up.
- Your squeeze page should not be too long.
It is best that all information are seen in one page and avoid the hassle of scrolling up and down.
- Add a personal touch by including personal information and your photograph.
It generates trust because they know where to reach you.
- Your squeeze page should have enough information in order for the customers to entrust their e-mail address and relevant information on the opt-in box.
If you can afford it, throw in some freebies or gifts if the sign up.
After that, they are encouraged to "opt-in" to an email list to get more details.
Of course, in order not to violate laws, the marketers will need to collect permission from the user by giving them an option if they want to get newsletters or information for updates such as new products and services.
The squeeze page is without a doubt, one of the best and most effective ways used by many advertisers to build a list.
The reason for this is it results to high turn out in the building list compared to the conventional methods such as pop ups and simple opt in forms.
A squeeze page is a page that serves one major purpose - to get your client's information.
Take note of the following tips: - Your squeeze page should boast a headline that identifies the benefits.
By doing so, you attract the visitor's attention and you have a better chance of enticing them to sign up.
You might also want to specify the good things about your site so do not forget to include an "invite" for them to sign up.
- Your squeeze page should not be too long.
It is best that all information are seen in one page and avoid the hassle of scrolling up and down.
- Add a personal touch by including personal information and your photograph.
It generates trust because they know where to reach you.
- Your squeeze page should have enough information in order for the customers to entrust their e-mail address and relevant information on the opt-in box.
If you can afford it, throw in some freebies or gifts if the sign up.