Common Nursing Phrases in Spanish
Introduce yourself to a patient by saying, "Buenas dias, mi nombre es ." This translates to "Good morning, my name is ____." State your role in the office by offering, "Soy enfermera," or "I am a nurse." "Como esta?" translates to "How are you?" Ask the patient her name with "Como se llama?" Gather background information by asking her age, ("Cuantos anos tiene?") occupation, ("Que es su trabajo?") and reason for coming to the doctor ("Que le trae por aqui?") Ask if she understands English by using the phrase, "Entiende ingles?" Other common courtesy phrases include "por favor," "gracias" and "de nada," which mean "please", "thank you" and "you're welcome," respectively.
Begin examining the patient using "Que le trae por aqui?" which means "What brought you here today?" Ask the patient if he has pain by using, "Tiene dolores?" Use "Donde le duele?" to ask where the patient feels pain. Tell the patient you are going to take his temperature with "Voy a tomar la temperatura." Use "Voy a tomar la presion sanguinea" to tell him you will take his blood pressure. Tell the patient you need a urine sample by saying, "Necesito un prueba de orina" or a blood sample with "Necesito un prueba de sangre." "Necesito ponerle un inyeccion" translates to, "I need to give you an injection."
Recommendations and Departure
Give the patient instructions with a few useful phrases. "Voy a darle unas pildoras" means "I am going to give you some pills." "Toma el medicamento una vez al dia" means "Take the medicine once a day" while "Toma el medicamento hasta que se termine el envase" means "Take the medication until the package is empty." Use "No tome alimentos grasos" to advise the patient to avoid fatty foods.
Use these phrases when the patient comes to the office for a follow-up appointment. "Como se siente?" means "How do you feel?" Ask the patient if the pain has lessened with "Tiene menos dolor?" Tell the patient that you have the results of a test with "Tengo los resultados de la prueba." "Tiene preguntas?" translates to "Do you have any questions?" "Tiene que volver a reconocimiento en dos semanas" translates to, "You should return for a check-up in two weeks."