Herbs That Promote Kidney Function
- This herb is also called uva ursi. It is astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial, making it useful for inflammation in cystitis, prostatitis, and urethritis.
- Couch Grass is a diuretic, as well as an anti-inflammatory with some antibiotic effects. It can be taken for kidney stones and inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract.
- Stinging nettle is high in vitamins like A and C and calcium, iron, and potassium. It is a natural diuretic and antibiotic, making it useful in kidney and urinary tract infections.
- Corn silk, which is rich in vitamin K and potassium, has diuretic and antiseptic properties. It is also soothing, making it popular for urinary tract inflammation.
- Parsley is valued for its diuretic effects, which promote elimination of wastes. It is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Couch Grass
Corn Silk