How to Keep Paint From Peeling Off an Outside Wall
- 1). Remove old, peeling paint before you attempt to apply a new color. Avoid simply painting over already-peeling paint as this can worsen the issue. Use a scraper, which you can purchase at any home-improvement or paint store, to gently remove old paint particles from your wall.
- 2). Use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or bumps before you apply the new color of paint.
- 3). Clean the surface of the wall before you paint using a scrub brush and soapy water, removing any oils or residues from the wall.
- 4). Apply fresh paint in moderate amounts. Avoid caking on new paint as paint applied too thickly can crack and peel when it dries. Instead, apply a thin layer of paint and add additional layers as needed.
- 5). Examine the side of the wall for possible leaks. Sometimes, peeling can be caused by a leaky roof, gutter or window. Examine areas close to the peeling paint for possible damage that may require repair.