Parents of Child Actors - Do You Have What it Takes?
So you want to get your kids into TV, film or TV commercials? Don't want to be a slave to a soccer team, boy scouts, cheerleading squad or other school sports because it's too time consuming and expensive? Wouldn't it be great for my kids to put themselves through college? Those are all great thoughts and considerations, and I had many of the same ideas and motivations when I decided to get my kids into making Hollywood commercials 8 years ago.
You see, I have 2 child actors in my family and I've been through it all.
So here's what it takes to be a Hollywood Stage Mom (or Dad).
You have to be a stay home mom or dad, period.
You have to have the time and availability to whisk your child after school to an audition on a moments notice.
You may get a call from their agent at noon, telling you they want to see your child at a casting call.
The catch is, you cant refuse, because you've made a commitment to the agent.
You see, behind the scenes, the casting agent has made their wishes known, your agent has replied with recommendations and pictures of your kid.
Unless your kid is Dakota Fanning, stand your agent or casting director up twice, and there might not be a next time.
You have to be and excellent time manager and multi-tasker.
Junior will undoubtedly have to be called away on unexpected auditions, which puts a cramp on his or her social activities, homework, music lessons and sports you may have already paid for.
So the Hollywood Stage Mom has to be flexible, and fast, while being a good negotiator with the various other parties involved.
Makeup lessons, alternate play-dates and personal sacrifices become routine.
Hollywood Stage Moms have to be smart money managers.
Not in just the sense of budget, but also with investments, banking, and tax returns for your child actor.
Proper record keeping is essential if you want to maximize your return.
Along the same lines, the Hollywood Stage Mom has to keep up on all of the licensing, work permits and the child's grades.
Recently, schools have been refusing to issue work permits to kids that aren't pulling straight A's.
If the kid get's really successful, you might just find yourself homeschooling! Sound like a hassle? If they land one good gig, it just might be more that your husband makes in a year.
One good commercial that is shown on network TV can bring in anywhere from $50000 to $200,000!
You see, I have 2 child actors in my family and I've been through it all.
So here's what it takes to be a Hollywood Stage Mom (or Dad).
You have to be a stay home mom or dad, period.
You have to have the time and availability to whisk your child after school to an audition on a moments notice.
You may get a call from their agent at noon, telling you they want to see your child at a casting call.
The catch is, you cant refuse, because you've made a commitment to the agent.
You see, behind the scenes, the casting agent has made their wishes known, your agent has replied with recommendations and pictures of your kid.
Unless your kid is Dakota Fanning, stand your agent or casting director up twice, and there might not be a next time.
You have to be and excellent time manager and multi-tasker.
Junior will undoubtedly have to be called away on unexpected auditions, which puts a cramp on his or her social activities, homework, music lessons and sports you may have already paid for.
So the Hollywood Stage Mom has to be flexible, and fast, while being a good negotiator with the various other parties involved.
Makeup lessons, alternate play-dates and personal sacrifices become routine.
Hollywood Stage Moms have to be smart money managers.
Not in just the sense of budget, but also with investments, banking, and tax returns for your child actor.
Proper record keeping is essential if you want to maximize your return.
Along the same lines, the Hollywood Stage Mom has to keep up on all of the licensing, work permits and the child's grades.
Recently, schools have been refusing to issue work permits to kids that aren't pulling straight A's.
If the kid get's really successful, you might just find yourself homeschooling! Sound like a hassle? If they land one good gig, it just might be more that your husband makes in a year.
One good commercial that is shown on network TV can bring in anywhere from $50000 to $200,000!