How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle?
How long does it take to build muscle? At some point in our workouts, we ask this, hoping that the answer is anywhere between a day to a week.
But, the truth is, muscle-building does not happen this fast or this dramatically.
Muscle gain can take weeks, perhaps even months, depending on your body and your choice of programs.
For skinny hardgainers, the question "How long does it take to build muscle?" becomes even tougher to answer because chances are, they are skinny for more than one reason.
Moreover, different people burn up fat and build up muscles at different rates.
For instance, Vince del Monte, developer of the No-Nonsense Muscle Building program, gained more than 41 pounds in 6 months.
That's roughly 6 or 7 pounds of lean muscles gained per month! On the other hand, another hardgainer who followed the same program gained 18 pounds of lean muscles in 10 weeks.
Skinny people can build muscles fairly quickly-within weeks, in fact-and so can you.
But, to be able to do this, you will need to answer these two questions and incorporate them into your diet and workout plan.
How many calories do you eat daily? Are you eating more or less than your calorie requirement per day? To find out what your calorie requirement is, take multiply bodyweight-as measured in pounds-by 24.
So, if you weigh 130 pounds, you should get roughly 3,120 calories daily.
If you have been eating more calories than you need, eat less.
If you have been eating less than necessary, eat more-but be sure to split your intake into 6 meals, to ensure your muscles are fed well and can repair themselves.
How frequently and intensely do you work out? Where workouts are concerned, too much is bad-but so is too little.
On the one hand, you have to prevent muscle fatigue.
On the other, you need to stimulate muscle growth.
How do you strike a balance between the two? This is a question a trainer-or a KILLER muscle-building program-can answer.
So, how long does it take to build muscle? The answer is highly variable, but one thing is clear-it can be done, you just have to work at it.
But, the truth is, muscle-building does not happen this fast or this dramatically.
Muscle gain can take weeks, perhaps even months, depending on your body and your choice of programs.
For skinny hardgainers, the question "How long does it take to build muscle?" becomes even tougher to answer because chances are, they are skinny for more than one reason.
Moreover, different people burn up fat and build up muscles at different rates.
For instance, Vince del Monte, developer of the No-Nonsense Muscle Building program, gained more than 41 pounds in 6 months.
That's roughly 6 or 7 pounds of lean muscles gained per month! On the other hand, another hardgainer who followed the same program gained 18 pounds of lean muscles in 10 weeks.
Skinny people can build muscles fairly quickly-within weeks, in fact-and so can you.
But, to be able to do this, you will need to answer these two questions and incorporate them into your diet and workout plan.
How many calories do you eat daily? Are you eating more or less than your calorie requirement per day? To find out what your calorie requirement is, take multiply bodyweight-as measured in pounds-by 24.
So, if you weigh 130 pounds, you should get roughly 3,120 calories daily.
If you have been eating more calories than you need, eat less.
If you have been eating less than necessary, eat more-but be sure to split your intake into 6 meals, to ensure your muscles are fed well and can repair themselves.
How frequently and intensely do you work out? Where workouts are concerned, too much is bad-but so is too little.
On the one hand, you have to prevent muscle fatigue.
On the other, you need to stimulate muscle growth.
How do you strike a balance between the two? This is a question a trainer-or a KILLER muscle-building program-can answer.
So, how long does it take to build muscle? The answer is highly variable, but one thing is clear-it can be done, you just have to work at it.