Exercises for Ab Lounge 2
- Don't overdo it when starting out. Some people have a tendency to think that if they can do 50 regular crunches, they should be able to do that many in the machine. That is bad thinking because that puts strain on your lower back, which goes against the main reason you got the machine in the first place. The Ab Lounge takes pressure off the back while exercising. Try to do sets of 15 each per exercise.
- Main Starting position with arms and legs extended
Start by sitting in the chair and extending your legs forward and your arms over your head. Use your rear and abs to crunch your midsection. Grab the black strap behind your head with both hands so that your elbows are bent and roughly by your ears. Do a set this way, and you will notice your lower abs getting worked. - Basic crunch with legs and arms bent
Bring in your feet to rest on the foot pedal so your knees are bent. Keep your elbows bent as well. Do a set that way, and notice the overall crunch feel. Finally, while keeping your knees bent, raise your arms over your head and do a set that way, and you will feel the pull in your upper abs. - Extend your arms and legs after doing your four main sets. Stretch your body backward in the chair so that your toes and fingers are pointing toward the floor. Hold this for about 10 seconds and go back to the original position. Do a set of 10; this exercise stretches your abs after the workout.
- The Ab Lounge 2 is not a a great machine for working the obliques. A person can lay sideways in the chair and contract her sides, but it puts a lot of pressure on the spine.
Think Small
Main Exercises
Upper Core Exercises
Resistance Training
Oblique Training