Are you feeling fatigued in preparing for essay type exams? Don't know the skills of preparing for this exam? Feeling writing anxiety, want to cope with it? If this is the entire situation with you than, don't worry! This article solves all your essay exam problems by providing the ways to pass this exam.
For some students exam is a horrible experience but essay type exams are even more scary, horrifying, and nerve-racking. This type of exam is taken to check the student's ability to understand the basic concepts regarding their specific area of study in written form. Quite an annoying combination...
Due to above reasons, in many schools essay exams are more demanding now a days. Essay exams help the students to enhance their writing skills, which is very necessary to develop if you want to attain good grades in your entire academic career.
Following are some tips that help you to pass your essay type exams with good grades:
Writing identification:
Essay exams usually consist of two tasks: One is writing the identification of the phrase and second is composing an essay. Both tasks are used to check your knowledge about the topic but make sure it must be in simple and plain English.
Identifications are four to six sentences one-paragraph short essays that give concise definitions of the phrase or a term. Your writing identifications must have: Names of the individuals involved in events, their important accomplishments, a specific classification of the time for the identification, the appropriate geographic reference relating to the phrase and historical importance of the term identification. You will be able to develop fully your identifications if you have written all these features.
Taking the Essay Type Exam:
When you are taking the essay type exam, you must keep the following steps in mind for writing a well-structured and well-thought essay:
* Read the topic very carefully, try to understand it and jot down all the main points that comes in your mind.
* Underline the keyword of your essay topic and try to define it with at least three or four supporting sentences.
* Write the introduction of your essay by keeping in mind that it must be convincing and must attract the reader's attention. Must support with the facts and quotations you came across in the course.
* An ideal essay is of five paragraphs an introduction, body and supporting paragraphs and conclusion.
* In last paragraph, you restate your topic sentence and your thoughts in brief and concise manner.
Above are some ways of passing essay type exam. If you follow above ways, you will be able to pass your essay exam with flying colours.
For some students exam is a horrible experience but essay type exams are even more scary, horrifying, and nerve-racking. This type of exam is taken to check the student's ability to understand the basic concepts regarding their specific area of study in written form. Quite an annoying combination...
Due to above reasons, in many schools essay exams are more demanding now a days. Essay exams help the students to enhance their writing skills, which is very necessary to develop if you want to attain good grades in your entire academic career.
Following are some tips that help you to pass your essay type exams with good grades:
Writing identification:
Essay exams usually consist of two tasks: One is writing the identification of the phrase and second is composing an essay. Both tasks are used to check your knowledge about the topic but make sure it must be in simple and plain English.
Identifications are four to six sentences one-paragraph short essays that give concise definitions of the phrase or a term. Your writing identifications must have: Names of the individuals involved in events, their important accomplishments, a specific classification of the time for the identification, the appropriate geographic reference relating to the phrase and historical importance of the term identification. You will be able to develop fully your identifications if you have written all these features.
Taking the Essay Type Exam:
When you are taking the essay type exam, you must keep the following steps in mind for writing a well-structured and well-thought essay:
* Read the topic very carefully, try to understand it and jot down all the main points that comes in your mind.
* Underline the keyword of your essay topic and try to define it with at least three or four supporting sentences.
* Write the introduction of your essay by keeping in mind that it must be convincing and must attract the reader's attention. Must support with the facts and quotations you came across in the course.
* An ideal essay is of five paragraphs an introduction, body and supporting paragraphs and conclusion.
* In last paragraph, you restate your topic sentence and your thoughts in brief and concise manner.
Above are some ways of passing essay type exam. If you follow above ways, you will be able to pass your essay exam with flying colours.