How to Make a Poinsettia Pen Holder
- 1). Roll all of the green polymer clay into a ball. Roll the ball into a large, quarter-inch-thick sheet using the clay rolling pin.
- 2). Drape the sheet of green clay over the open top and sides of the can, covering them. Pull the clay taught over the open top to flatten it. Press the clay on the sides flat against the sides of the can, smoothing it and pressing excess clay down to hang at the bottom. Trim the clay at the bottom edge of the can using the straight razor.
- 3). Poke holes in the top of the clay for pens. Press the sharpened pencils through the clay covering the can to make as many holes as you want.
- 4). Bake the clay-covered can according to the polymer clay manufacturer's instructions, which will be printed on the package. Position the can with the clay-covered top down on the baking sheet as you do so, ensuring that it will stay flat. Let the clay and can cool.
- 5). Form the petals of the poinsettia. Divide the red clay into three equal pieces, then ball two of the pieces together to make one piece twice as large as the other. Form the large piece into seven equal pieces and shape them into flat, roughly triangular pieces with round bottoms for the petals. Do the same with the smaller piece of clay, but form five equally sized pieces.
- 6). Attach the flower to the covered can. Press the large petals in a circle with the points hanging over the edge of the covering. Position the smaller five petals in a layer inside these, positioning them so that their points are between the points of the larger five.
- 7). Make the center of the poinsettia. Make the tiniest balls of yellow clay you can and fill the center area of the flower petals with these, forming a ball of tiny balls to fill the space.
- 8). Poke the pens through the poinsettia into the holes you already poked in the covering on the can.
- 9). Bake the holder a second time; polymer clay can be baked repeatedly as long as it cools between sessions.