Online Video Conferencing Removes Educational Barriers
Technological advancement and innovation is a vital part of today's educational system. Educators and students thrive off fresh, new cutting-edge technologies to simplify the learning process. Online video conferencing is one way technology has advanced the learning process.
Using online video conferencing in the classroom provides benefits for both teachers and students. Educators have the ability to reach out to a greater audience, while students are being introduced to guest speakers and experts from around the world. But it doesn't stop there:
Online video conferencing helps to build a student's communication and presentation aptitude, which they will take with them into the business world. Educational institutions implementing this simple technology provide a quality service to not only the teachers and students using it, but to society as well.
Using online video conferencing in the classroom provides benefits for both teachers and students. Educators have the ability to reach out to a greater audience, while students are being introduced to guest speakers and experts from around the world. But it doesn't stop there:
- Students are participating in virtual field trips and traveling to places all over the world without having to leave the classroom
- Virtual "Pen Pal" programs are allowing students to connect and meet with other students who may be located thousands of miles away
- Teachers are offering one-on-one student mentoring by reaching out to students who may be having trouble with a particular subject or course
- Schools are combining educational resources with other schools, giving students access to an unlimited amount of knowledge
- Educators are connecting with isolated students that are separated by location or weather conditions
- Students are taking online music lessons and attending a variety of classes from the comfort of their homes
- Staff and teachers are participating in online development seminars and workshops
- Experts and professionals are reaching out and making themselves more available to speak to classes. This is partly due to the fact they don't have to spend any time traveling to make a presentation – guest speakers and lecturers can simply join an online video conference and be seen, as well as heard by all attendees
- Students are conducting in-depth research assignments by interviewing experts remotely
- Language barriers are being removed because interpreters can now have a virtual presence in the classroom
Online video conferencing helps to build a student's communication and presentation aptitude, which they will take with them into the business world. Educational institutions implementing this simple technology provide a quality service to not only the teachers and students using it, but to society as well.