How to Breed Shorkies
- 1). Acquire parent dogs and provide them with adequate food, shelter, attention and exercise. The living arrangements can be two certified shorkies or a female shih tzu and a male Yorkie.
- 2). Obtain certification for your dogs from a reputable breed-specific registry. If using two shorkie parents, get certification for each dog from the Shorkie Club of America. For cross-breeding, get pedigree certification from a Yorkie and a shih tzu association. These certifications will be required to list any puppies on the shorkie registry.
- 3). Enlist the services of a veterinarian to ensure your dogs are healthy, vaccinated, worm-free and old enough to make babies. Smaller dogs shouldn't have more than one litter every few years. Most are not sexually mature until about 2 years old.
- 4). Allow your shorkie parents ample exposure to each other and opportunities for intimacy. Even if conditions are less than private, you're likely to have a pregnant female soon.
- 5). Investigate your female shorkie or shih tzu's abdomen regularly for signs of pregnancy, including swelling and leakage.
- 6). Increase feedings for your pregnant female, utilizing a food that's advertised as vitamin-rich. If changing foods makes her eat less, ask your veterinarian about nutritional supplements.
- 7). Increase your trips to the veterinarian after you discover that your female is going to have puppies. Obtain assistance when birthing begins if you don't have the training to perform the duties yourself.