Benefits Of Eating Meat
These days the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle are getting very popular and the benefits of these diets are being talked about a lot.
I am not buying into the hype and I think we as humans can't live without meat.
Firstly if you look at all the great civilizations in history then you will see they where all build on the consumption of meat.
In fact a couple of hundred years ago people ate 3-4 times more meat than we eat today.
If you take there high protein diet mixed with a lot of fruit and vegetables then you see why they didn't have all the modern diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancers.
For guys like myself who does a lot of fitness and muscle building there is no replacement for meat.
I have tried replacing them and the results for me has not been good in terms of performance and results.
Sure, there is a lot of bad things in modern factory fed meat.
But try to get organic grass fed beef when you can and cut off the fat.
When you eat fish try to get wild fish and not farm fed fish.
The bottom line is as men we need a meat based protein intake to function at our optimal condition.
Yeah sure you can try and live on beans to get your protein intake but where is the fun in that.
So if I can give you any advice especially if you are working out and trying to add muscle.
Stick with meat it's the best form of protein out there and your body needs it.
I am not buying into the hype and I think we as humans can't live without meat.
Firstly if you look at all the great civilizations in history then you will see they where all build on the consumption of meat.
In fact a couple of hundred years ago people ate 3-4 times more meat than we eat today.
If you take there high protein diet mixed with a lot of fruit and vegetables then you see why they didn't have all the modern diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancers.
For guys like myself who does a lot of fitness and muscle building there is no replacement for meat.
I have tried replacing them and the results for me has not been good in terms of performance and results.
Sure, there is a lot of bad things in modern factory fed meat.
But try to get organic grass fed beef when you can and cut off the fat.
When you eat fish try to get wild fish and not farm fed fish.
The bottom line is as men we need a meat based protein intake to function at our optimal condition.
Yeah sure you can try and live on beans to get your protein intake but where is the fun in that.
So if I can give you any advice especially if you are working out and trying to add muscle.
Stick with meat it's the best form of protein out there and your body needs it.