How to Change Spark Plugs in a 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix
- 1). Lift the hood and prop it open. Locate the spark plug wires, which are about halfway down each side of the engine. The number will depend on the size of the engine, as there is a spark plug for each cylinder. Thus, 4-cylinder engines have two sets of spark plugs on each side, V-6 engines have three sets, and V-8 engines have four sets.
- 2). Grab the spark plug wire closest to the front of the vehicle. Twist it gently to unlock it. Pull it straight back to reveal the spark plug underneath. Replace one spark plug at a time to avoid mixing up the wires. The plug wires on the 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix are not numbered, and reinstalling the wires incorrectly can result in engine problems.
- 3). Slide a spark plug socket over the top of the spark plug. Place a socket extender in the slot on top of the socket. Fit a ratchet to the end of the extender and twist it firmly until it clicks into place and the spark plug twists loose from the engine.
- 4). Apply a thin coating of anti-seize lubricant to the threaded end of the new spark plug and insert it into the spark plug hole. Turn it slowly to make sure the threads catch and it screws in straight. Hand-tighten the spark plug.
- 5). Check the spark plug with a tension tester. Slide the tension tester over the head of the spark plug and turn it, checking the read-out on the front of the gauge. The proper amount of tension for the plugs on a Grand Prix is 11 to 15 ft.-lbs. Place the spark plug wire on the new plug and twist it one full turn in each direction until it clicks into place.
- 6). Repeat Steps 2 through 5 to change the rest of the plugs. Start the engine after installing the new plugs. Listen for any stalls or delays in acceleration that may indicate incorrect installation.