Wonderful Japanese Garden Ideas
Gardening is a great activity and it's a real pleasure to enjoy the end product. It is nice to see your garden grow over the years and to see the result of all your creativity and hard work. A Japanese garden is no different, you would think, but in fact it is. There is a different kind of intrinsic beauty in Japanese garden ideas that you need to learn to appreciate. There are few people who see a Japanese garden and know in a second this is what they love and would like their own garden to look like. Most people will only enjoy the beauty of this type of design if they can find the internal peace to see each little element at its own. Both people can use some of the basic Japanese garden ideas we will take a look at in this article.
Many different Japanese garden ideas
There are of course many different Japanese garden ideas but there are some common grounds we call the basics. One of the basic principals is that almost all design ideas will all point to nature as being the most beautiful work of art of all. The Japanese garden is always designed with nature in mind, this means the garden should always reflect the things we see in nature. When we design a yard with this kind of design it might look unorganized and wild but when we take a closer look it is often perfectly in balance, a little replica of nature at its finest. And to some that is a type of perfection we cannot find in other types of garden design.
Rocks and Space
A well known kind of Japanese garden ideas are the rock gardens and they are much more orderly than other Japanese garden ideas. In a way the rocks represent the mountains in nature and pebbles and other small stones can create the image of a river bedding. Small Japanese trees and shrubs are the image of what nature creates on a large scale.
Another special style element in our Japanese garden ideas is empty space, it may sound strange but this space is one of the most important style elements that the Japanese garden has. It is one of the traditions you can follow when you decide to design your own Japanese garden. The empty space forms a retreat to all the beauty of the trees, plants and other elements, it reminds you of what you have missed and what you have found. These are just those elements what people need to learn to understand before they can fully appreciate Japanese garden ideas.
Separate the garden from reality
There are items in the garden that have a deeper meaning such as fences and gates, in the western countries they are used to keep strange people away from the house and to keep pets and little children in the yard. Japanese garden ideas follows totally different traditions, here those structures are used to separate the garden from reality and to let the people experience the beauty and serenity of the garden.
Many different Japanese garden ideas
There are of course many different Japanese garden ideas but there are some common grounds we call the basics. One of the basic principals is that almost all design ideas will all point to nature as being the most beautiful work of art of all. The Japanese garden is always designed with nature in mind, this means the garden should always reflect the things we see in nature. When we design a yard with this kind of design it might look unorganized and wild but when we take a closer look it is often perfectly in balance, a little replica of nature at its finest. And to some that is a type of perfection we cannot find in other types of garden design.
Rocks and Space
A well known kind of Japanese garden ideas are the rock gardens and they are much more orderly than other Japanese garden ideas. In a way the rocks represent the mountains in nature and pebbles and other small stones can create the image of a river bedding. Small Japanese trees and shrubs are the image of what nature creates on a large scale.
Another special style element in our Japanese garden ideas is empty space, it may sound strange but this space is one of the most important style elements that the Japanese garden has. It is one of the traditions you can follow when you decide to design your own Japanese garden. The empty space forms a retreat to all the beauty of the trees, plants and other elements, it reminds you of what you have missed and what you have found. These are just those elements what people need to learn to understand before they can fully appreciate Japanese garden ideas.
Separate the garden from reality
There are items in the garden that have a deeper meaning such as fences and gates, in the western countries they are used to keep strange people away from the house and to keep pets and little children in the yard. Japanese garden ideas follows totally different traditions, here those structures are used to separate the garden from reality and to let the people experience the beauty and serenity of the garden.