How to Write a Persuasive Essay About the Environment
- 1). Research the environmental issue of interest so that you are aware of its many nuances. Possible sources include federal government agencies such as the EPA, organizations like the Earth Policy Institute and publications such as "E - The Environmental Magazine."
- 2). Grab the reader's attention by opening your essay with a question or anecdote about your specific issue.
- 3). Write a thesis, or sentence at the end of your first paragraph that states your view of the issue and indicates how you will explain yourself in your paper. The thesis should be debatable (something that reasonable people could disagree about) and narrowly focused. It is difficult to defend a broadly focused thesis because you need to provide evidence to support it.
- 4). Include facts from your readings to support your points in the body paragraphs of your paper.
- 5). Cite each source immediately after writing information from your readings. Citing sources is very important. If you fail to tell where a fact came from, it is considered stealing someone else's work, and jail time is possible.
- 6). Include a concession. This sentence or paragraph admits an opposing view to a point you have made, but then indicates its weaknesses. This way, your audience sees you as reasonable, knowledgeable about the issue and impartial. This sentence is an example of a concession: "While ethanol sounds beneficial because it uses reproducible fuel, it doesn't replace enough traditional fuel to make a difference."
- 7). Conclude by restating your thesis and suggesting a course of action based on your readings and opinion.