3 Components of Preparing the Soil For a Garden
Gardening experts say that you should start to prepare your soil for planting well in advance of when you actually want to plant your garden.
Most experts say that you should begin preparing the soil anywhere from 2-4 months before planting.
So you might end up preparing the soil before you even decide what type of garden you want to have! Why is it so important to prepare the soil? After all, plants have been growing for millions of years, right? Shouldn't you be able to just stick a plant in the ground and watch it grow? Nope.
Different plants require different types of soil, and soil needs to have a lot of nutrients in it as well as a balanced PH level in order for plants to take root and thrive.
Preparing the soil for planting a flower garden can be a very serious business.
There are three components of preparing the soil for a garden: 1.
Clear the area - Pick up any brush, twigs, branches, rocks, or other debris and get them all out of the way.
You should be starting with a nice, level, flat, clean area that you want to have your garden in.
If you have to mark off a garden space, use rocks, spacers, or other identifiable items to mark out the area that you are claiming as a garden.
Aerate the soil - It's important to break up and aerate the soil that you will be planting in.
Use a rototiller or a hand tiller or even a spade to break up the ground and turn over the soil.
While you are breaking up the soil, be on the lookout for any rocks or branches that may be buried under the soil and clear those out too.
Add nutrients - You will need to add a few bags of potting soil that has been enriched with plant vitamins and nutrients or mulch or both to the existing soil.
Mix the new into the old so that the nutrients in the mulch and vitamin enriched soil blend into the original soil.
Most experts say that you should begin preparing the soil anywhere from 2-4 months before planting.
So you might end up preparing the soil before you even decide what type of garden you want to have! Why is it so important to prepare the soil? After all, plants have been growing for millions of years, right? Shouldn't you be able to just stick a plant in the ground and watch it grow? Nope.
Different plants require different types of soil, and soil needs to have a lot of nutrients in it as well as a balanced PH level in order for plants to take root and thrive.
Preparing the soil for planting a flower garden can be a very serious business.
There are three components of preparing the soil for a garden: 1.
Clear the area - Pick up any brush, twigs, branches, rocks, or other debris and get them all out of the way.
You should be starting with a nice, level, flat, clean area that you want to have your garden in.
If you have to mark off a garden space, use rocks, spacers, or other identifiable items to mark out the area that you are claiming as a garden.
Aerate the soil - It's important to break up and aerate the soil that you will be planting in.
Use a rototiller or a hand tiller or even a spade to break up the ground and turn over the soil.
While you are breaking up the soil, be on the lookout for any rocks or branches that may be buried under the soil and clear those out too.
Add nutrients - You will need to add a few bags of potting soil that has been enriched with plant vitamins and nutrients or mulch or both to the existing soil.
Mix the new into the old so that the nutrients in the mulch and vitamin enriched soil blend into the original soil.